Well I thought I would post before I go out and give you a glimpse at what I'm wearing! Happy New Year everyone! (god this was a dumb post)
Monday, December 31, 2007
New Year's Eve
Well I thought I would post before I go out and give you a glimpse at what I'm wearing! Happy New Year everyone! (god this was a dumb post)
I'm sitting next to Jack Gorman
So I figured I haven't bloggged in awhile and I'm slightly awake and slightly drunk, not very drunk mom don't worry, and I figured that you guys could use something to read once you're back in AZ so here it is. I am posting a blog. Um, welll I showed my friends a lot of Mighty Boosh tonight, and I lightened my roots, and then I drnak some beer and that was good. Hmmm and that is about it. We watched the Simpsons movie tonight and that was good. And I very much enjoyed getting my roots to not be totally dark anymore. And I enjoyed watching the Mighty Boosh after not having watched it in a while. So there. Comment.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
(I think the title indicates I couldn't even calm down enough to write. hah. I'm clever yah?)
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
So Sunday night we went to Jon's to hang out and...hmm well we watched a bit of Howl's Moving Castle and then Isabel, Ian and I (TRIPLE I SCORE) came back home. Ah home sweet home. And theeeennn....I did some cleaning Monday yay! I've been doing dishes every day and keeping the place tidy in lieu of having a job till I get another one. I'm a housewife! So then when Isabel got home we lounged for a sec and then went over to Jon's to watch 'the Game'. We drank some beers and cheered and booed as the game was played! And uh yeah that was about it, and then I came home and read for awhile and then did more cleaning today but not as much since Isabel didn't work today and now yes. That's it.

Sunday, December 16, 2007
Snow One Like My Grandkids
So Friday night I went to a party and got a liiiiiittle too drunk because I had two spectacular falls neither of which caused injury, thank goodness. There was confusion after I took a short little nap in one of the rooms and then the cops showing up and Isabel thought for some reason I had left, so Ashlley and I were left without a ride home, nice. Luckily Jon was kind enough to let us stay at his place and when I woke up it was SNOWING! And it continued snowing all day long. So Isabel came and got us, and Jon, Ian, Isabel and I hung out ate Swedish pancakes, made by a real Swede! and watched Hot Fuzz and then Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. So it was a nice day. Then Ian, Isabel and I drank some beers and stayed in as it blizzarded outside. I awoke and got an idea for Christmas card for Grandma and made it, yay! Then Liz called me up with a story of losing her phone so she and Kit came to get Liz's old phone and we got some fooood and they brought me some Christmas cookies, yum! Now I be watching Duplex and I'm very warm inside with some eggnog and cookies. Here's some pictures.

Friday, December 14, 2007
I assure the Mummy has indeed returned
If you can't guess from the title, and really how could you not, I'm watching the Mummy Returns at the moment. And um hm well now I have to get ready to go to a paaa-rty. I'll have my camera so I'll post pictures. Oh! I went to the Art Institute last night with Justin, and that was good times, good times indeed.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Insert this.
So tis very cold out, not as cold as it got last week but still cold enough to cause freezing rain and make it totally dangerous for me to go walking around without proper footwear. And I'm coughing of nasty bits of noise and particle. But it's all good cause I got Mr. Justin sittin on the couch next to me studying for a test he has tomorrow. He's highly impressed by my typing skillz. And my dish-washing skills, because I did the dishes today, and tired to tidy up a bit but there's only so much you can clean when there's mountains of trash bags building up in your front room and the person who is supposed to take them out to the big bin, isn't. Whatever, I'm doing my part and that's all that matters, um sorry I don't have much of interest to say, I've been staying in and laying low since I got sick, and taking vitamins and medicine. But I think the real cure will come on the 20th. I can't wait for everyone to get here. Well I'm gonna hack up a lung and watch Deadwood with the boy while he crams way too much information into his head.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Kill me.
I'm sick. So sick, and hungry. And there's no food! Mom! Come feed me, I'm so hungry, and coughing uncontrollably. Ugh. I'm so tired of coughing and tired of feeling like I'm about to cough, and then coughing too much that I feel like I'm gonna vomit. Goodbye.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Oh, Joy!
It's snowing! So much! Like 2-4 inches 'they' say! And uh it's oh so pretty, oh so fucking pretty! I'm getting so damn excited about Xmas. I really don't have much to say other than I dun wanna go to work tomorrow cause uhhh it's gonna be hell getting there thanks to all this beautiful snow and uggggggh. But I shall persevere. I really don't have much else to say other than I've said 'I really' twice in this post. I'm getting tiredish and yes I shall uhh...post more some other time.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Just cause you're whispering doesn't mean I can't hear you
Ahem. That doesn't apply to anyone reading this. So I spent the weekend at Justin's because Ian came back home and him and Isabel needed some 'alone time' so I hung out in Pilsen, yay Pilsen. Friday, Justin and I had the day off together so that was a lovely day of running around getting stuff done and just hanging out together which I love. We then went and helped out his friend Joe with a project thingymajig so he bought us beer and steak tortas (mmmmmmm) and we watched 'Howl's Moving Castle' which I'd seen a bit before but was slightly inebriated during the viewing so it was like getting to see it for the first time, yay! Then we went home and were totally sleepy. He had to go to work at like 9:30 so I stayed in bed and slept and read and then went and retrieved him from work since it was so yucky out. I started a wish list on Amazon, specifically it's a Christmas wish list, so uh go look for it? Now Isabel and Ian are snoring on the couch.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
On being awesome
So hi. I am a very happy person right now. I am feeling slightly...worn. I really need to wash my hair because it is a rat's nest of blonde. So Justin and I have been staying in a lot which has been really nice. So yesterday I worked for EIGHT HOURS, which ugh. But it was ok because hey, I have a job, and that's good. And even better after work I hoofed it down to State and Jackson so that Kristina and Justin could tag team me, massage style. Hour long body massage, jellus? Because you should be. After that we headed back to my place, Kris and I taking the train and Justin on bike, Justin won the race, but he didn't know we were racing so I didn't tell him that he won. We then went and got three canned goods so that we could drink for free for an hour at a bar. We then hung out at their friend Brian's and Margaret got a little happy cheeked. And I woke up on the couch, not fully dressed, confused and miffed that I was not next to Justin I stomped back to my room and got back in bed. I still haven't figured out why I was on the couch, and Justin has no clue either. Oh well. In a couple hours I have to set secret romantic plan in motion, not for me though, for the blonde one that I live with. So that should happen in a couple hours and then I head over to Justin's to pick him up to go to Q4 and before all this I have to clean. So I'm gonna have a lie down to recharge a bit and do some dishes and cleaning.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Phone Biters
So I made it home safely. I sat next to these smelly people while waiting for the plane to arrive. They stunk like ass gone bad! Anyhoo then I got on the plane and sat in the back next to a window and then these people were like boohoo we wanna sit together so I sat next to this couple one row behind (still a window seat) so that two seats next to each other were freed up, good karma for me. And then I listened to music the entire time, read a bit and slept a bit and then we came upon Chicago and the clouds were so low! Then yeah Isabel picked me up, with her arms, and brought me back home and then Justin arrived and we reunited and it feels so good. Now he be studying, Isabel be watching tv, and I be blogging. Ummmm.....oh I think I forgot the USB cable and cd software for my phone at home...so uh I could use that when you guys come out. Of the closet. K bye for now! OH I have a show tomorrow night yay.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Bring It On Home
Well it's 9am Chicago time, I'm practically all packed except for a few things that are in Isabel's room so she should wake up soon so I can grab those. And she really should be up soon since she has to work at 11. I'll be leaving this place around 11:30ish to meet up with Liz and Kit at Clark&Lake to get on the Orrrrrange Line to Midway. Justin just left to go take his final. He thinks the family sounds cool, particularly Dad because I told him what he wants written on his tombstone, Justin is also a fan of chicken skin. I'm gonna not talk too much about him right now on here because I'll be talking all of your ears off in person very soon. So, you have that to look forward to. Even though I'm only gonna be there for four days I somehow managed to pack the big suitcase and it's pretty much full. Damn. I'll have to weed through my selection and make sure that I absolutely need everything in there. I probably do. I'm so excited I just want to get on the plane right now, even though my headphones are busted and it's gonna be a looooong flight. Ooh I can go look for my drink coupons. Tootles.
Monday, November 19, 2007
What's God painting?
Right now a snowy mountain. Well I go to work in three hours and I'm not looking all that forward to it since I think I'm kinda sick but I am looking forward to after. I'll be home so soon and I can't wait I miss being home so much sometimes, even though life here has been treating me really well lately, there's nothing like a nice visit home. I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to wear tonight since tonight is the grand opening party blah blah blah, I should probably shower. Hah Isabelle thought I was watching some weird cooking show, but as Allison knows, it's the Joy of Painting. Anyhoo maybe I'll more to say later tonight.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
So I think there's some natural law that states that only a certain number of Pateras are allowed to be drinking at one time. Because I did not drink at all tonight. But I'm actually quite glad because we decided to call it a night early and come home, well 3am earlyish, and this way we're not totally sloshy and stupid, downside I don't feel like going to bed. Also I was driving tonight so I figured if I did drink I would just have like...one, so that's good cause I don't like having to pass out at some random's house till I'm sober. So anyways, we went down to Pilsen, the place of last night's art walk with Justin, and joined our friends a party that was Lamesville, USA population: too many people. So we headed to another party with Aja, Jon, Dean, Dan Rico and Lee Jones but we never got ahold of them to find out if they were at the party yet cause we were but we were too unsure of ourselves to go inside, so we sat in the car and acted like dumbasses, which is what we do best and which we called a stakeout. So now we're home and Isabel is rummaging through the fridge and I'm considering ravioli. Anyhoo I wish I had been at the happenin' party in AZ. Love you all.

Friday, November 9, 2007
Mr. Peter Ian Staker
So I'm really excited that I've got a purpose early in the day, and as much as I enjoy waking up early and getting tired at an appropriate time, I don't have to work till noon thirty tomorrow and I'm quite pleased about that. Last night I couldn't get to sleep to 4:30am when I went to bed at like 2, I had several bouts of sleep paralysis and it was really hard to fall asleep after that. Tomorrow's friday and I have things to do and people to meet, people to meet up earlier than planned, which I am excited about. Where last week was horrible this week has been so much better. I can't believe it's friday already, doing something during the day really makes the week go by faster and I'm totally grateful for it. Anyways, I'm gonna go to bed now and get some sleeps. Oh the picture below is the area I work in. The building with the green awnings is my restaurant.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
So Friday night we went to a show where our friends' band was playing and then we went to get Jake and went to a couple of parties, first one being broken up, staying at the second awhile and then the last one already over, so we then went to a diner instead and I had half of Jake's patty melt, which was delicious. Jake and I decided that our 'costume' was photo negatives since as you will see in pictures, we were, though we didn't plan it. The next day Jake and I lazed around and then went to Sam's to get beer and Whole Foods to eat. Then we went over to his friend Phil's and Ashley and Isabel joined us and went to a party for awhile and then another, and then we went home. Althought I didn't dress up in costume Saturday Jake thought in my outfit I looked a little like Debbie Gibson so if people asked that's what I said, and at the party two guys asked if I was Debbie Gibson, so that was pretty funny. Ended up sleeping the day away and watching Mr. Show and then I came back home. Here are pictures.

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