- I love writing things in bullet form.
- Allison is on the phone with me right now.
- My mom and dad are the best.
- Spring break has sprung!
- I want some new mascara.
- There is snow outside.
- I have nothing else to report.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Saturday, February 24, 2007
hehe thank you mom
Well I had to do a dry run and see how the jell-o shots would turn out, so thanks to funding by my dearest mother I know that the party will not suck. Now that my task is complete, I'm gonna go to sleep. Love you mommy!
There's always room for Jell-o
Test run of Jell-o shots done by ME, today. Still waiting for the Jell-o to set, mmm. I think it is the best way to have a drink. I really don't have much else to say.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
It is official, I have proof that I may be even slightly funny, on cue no less! Most of you reading this probably already know because I shouted it from metaphorical rooftops (my basement apartment), but I am now a student of the Conservatory program at Second City for improv and sketch comedy. BOOYA! I am beyond excited about this. And I really don't know what else to say right now other than I'm very very happy with myself for doing this, yay me, and yay everyone in my life for always being there. I'm so sappy. I love you all.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Because I'm bad, I'm bad, you know it, I'm bad.
I have returned to Chicago. And was delighted to be greeted with massive amounts of snow on the sides of the street where I park. So I hauled my car over what felt like a foot of snow and sort of waddled on it before settling. And then dragging my ass and bags to my apartment I'm greeted by even more snow, pretty much blocking the way to my door, HILARIOUS! So I sort of stumbled over it and it was just such a sight that I took pictures...

Fun stuff. Anyhoo, my aunt and uncle and cousin Georgia treated me to a DELICIOUS steak dinner, really glad I didn't give into the temptress of the Wisconsin highway, Culver's. They made skirt steak with twice baked potatoes and my stomach is still doing a happy dance of joy. Earlier today I made my, NOT YOURS BETTY CROCKER, my Oven-baked Puffy Apple Pancake for me, Liz, and Kit! It was tremendously delicious and fueled my body for the long drive ahead. Yay! Oh and my mail was frozen. Haha.
Fun stuff. Anyhoo, my aunt and uncle and cousin Georgia treated me to a DELICIOUS steak dinner, really glad I didn't give into the temptress of the Wisconsin highway, Culver's. They made skirt steak with twice baked potatoes and my stomach is still doing a happy dance of joy. Earlier today I made my, NOT YOURS BETTY CROCKER, my Oven-baked Puffy Apple Pancake for me, Liz, and Kit! It was tremendously delicious and fueled my body for the long drive ahead. Yay! Oh and my mail was frozen. Haha.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
So I'm up in door County sitting next to Liz and Kit (Hotel Kiz) watching a 'Cheaters' marathon full of red velvet cake and pasta. Deelish. Liz and I are going down to Green Bay tomorrow to try on wedding gowns. YAY! I will try to sneak pictures of Liz and I in dresses, I won't be in wedding gowns but if they have bridesmaid dresses I'll be in those. 'Cheaters' is a great show, it spies on people that are suspected by their partners of cheating. And then they confront their cheating boyfriend/girlfriend. It's awesome. Liz has her hand down her pants right now. Sick. But I love her. Roadtrip tomorrow, woo. Hmm well at the moment I cannot think of much else to other than I'm having a grand old time, we inflated a green condom I picked up at a gas station. That was cool.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Ugly funny.
Well, Mummy, I can't exactly explain the scene because writing out what happened in an improv scene instantly takes away any funniness the scene had, and if I take away the funny from my scene then the auditors will only remember me a guy and a girl standing on stage talking about something that they thought had previously had the taste of humor but for some reason the taste was gone. I don't question it, comedy is like magic, mysterious and possibly nonexistent. But the base of the scene was, roommates who each had a fear of a different types of cleaning (dishes, laundry, vacuuming) due to past events.
Friday, February 9, 2007
Take a walk on the wild side.
Well I had my audition today, I think it went relatively well. I was nervous, but not as nervous as I get during regular acting auditions, which was a nice change. And I felt confident with my headshot because when I showed my improv buddies they didn't puke at it's unprofessionalism. So that's a plus. I had a pretty funny with a green sweatered rotund guy, he was nice. And then I went to the bar across the street got sloshed, went up to Armitage Ave. and got an application for L'Occitane, which would be awesome because I could buy their Imortelle Precious Cream at an employee discount, I assume. And then I came home and took a much needed nap since I was only able to milk two hours of sleep from my restless mind and body. I'm gonna try to sleep soon because, well that'd be nice.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
People say the darndest things
1PM Maybe I Shouldn't Have Let Him Borrow All That Poe
via Overheard in the Office, Jan 26, 2007
Librarian: Have you met the new assistant director? He reminds me a lot of Randy -- you know -- Ralphie's little brother from A Christmas Story. Nobody wants to hang out with him. The other day I asked him how he was, and he actually held up a piece of rope and said, 'Oh, I'm hanging in there!' and gave me a creepy smile.
60 7th Street
Garden City, New York
Overheard by: Grace
via Overheard in the Office, Jan 26, 2007
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Snowing gnats and clogs.
So I wanted to go to the grocery store but noo, it's snowing and there's enough snow to make me feel uneasy about driving and parking again, ugh. UGH. UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Monday, February 5, 2007
I'd like to thank my mom.
Yes, mummy, thank you for my down comforter, it has been a great...comfort (see what I did there) to me during this cold time. I was sort of tired and sick/sluggish feeling during class today and a couple of the first scenes I did were like 'ugh man I'm sucking right now' and I just couldn't seem to get out of being 'ehhbhahhhh' and then this amazing scene just happened and it felt soooo good because while I realized at the time of doing how funny it was I didn't break or try to make it funnier, I just let it happen and it was so great because of that. Yay for doing a good job. I'm downloading the latest episode of 'Heroes' and a couple 'Grey's Anatomy' and once they're finished downloading I'm going to climb into bed and fucking sleep. I'm very excited and then tomrorow Sooze and I are going to take headshots of each other. Booya. And then I need to try to find some shoes that aren't sneakers or dirty boots that I can audition in. Gah. Mwah.
Well, today was very cold. Right now, god, it's -7, -27 wthanks to windchll. It's -22 degree Celsius, which sounds a lot more dramatic and gives a fine example of what the situation is here. I have on two sock layers, three pant layers, and four torsal layers, laying bed under my quilt and then on top my comforter, next to the space heater on full blast. And I cannot feel my toes. The mice are now clawing. Egh. I fell asleep at like 10pm for a bit woke up at 10:40pm got really confused figured out what was going on and went back to sleep, then I woke up at 2:05 and went shit! and started to make a path out of my bed and into getting ready for class when I saw the glorious AM next to the time. I get to sleep more. And that's what I'm gonna do now. Goodnight.
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Why was I up so late
Well I'd been asleep for a couple hours and then I woke up and couldn't sleep so I decided to post a blog. And yesss, so I'm about to head over to the north video store to check out the place since that's most likely the place I'd be getting a job. Toodles.
Friday, February 2, 2007
I can hear mice in my walls, and rather than do anything about it, I would rather just inform people when I hear them. I need to do a painting. I had some sort of plan in my head involving man eating red mailboxes, vicious they were. And as I've just finished disc two of Footballer's Wives all my inner monologue is being spoken by Tanya Turner. Which really makes everything all the better. I think I just sat on a piece of cereal. How...crumbly. And pow.
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