Saturday, April 28, 2007
About last night...
It was great! I went up to Lydia's around 6ish and hung around waiting for Liz and Kit to get their asses in gear and here. And they did. Immediately after walking in the door Aunt Lydia takes Liz's ring and cleans it, and apparently it needed it cause it looks even better now. So Lydia gave Liz some jewelry cleaner and said 'Happy Engagement'. After heehawing around for a bit we finally headed to the restaurant and I was starrrrrving. We sat down and I ordered meself a Coke, ah caffeine! and some cocktail called a Vanilla Bean, which had Absolut Vanilla, Auburn(?) and ginger ale. It was pretty darn good. Wish I hadn't been driving so I could've tried more of the drinks on Dad's dime. Ignore that last comment Mom. So I got a 18 oz Rib Eye steak with green beans (I ate those!) and switched out the mashed potatoes for french fries and there was a side of Worcestershire sauce. Oh first we got a giant martini glass of fried calamari with a side of wasabi mayonnaise. That was delicious. So then we ordered dessert, and I actually cried out 'But I don't wanna share!' because I don't like sharing dessert. So I ordered a brownie sundae. And so here in no particular order is dinner and dessert, because I'm too lazy and it's too early to put them in order.
Can you guess what these two images are? If you do, you get a prize.

The sundae! With a hand for scale!

Liz had a kiwi in her purse, weirdo.
Me going crazy with the desserts!

Liz acting a fool with hers.
Liz's dessert, banana's foster times ten.

Apparently I got some on my chin.

The result of both our desserts, haha I won.
Friday, April 27, 2007
So I ate a lot of the initial batch of cupcakes. So I'm making more. I thought that my will was stronger, but apparently I'm weak willed when it comes to cupcakes. Stupid delicious mini rounds of happy. Anyhoo, burning some cds and gonna head up to Lydia's in a bit.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
If you think I'm cute, you should see my Papa!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
This vexes me. I am terribly vexed.
This day has been oddly...bad? I don't know. There was a lot of screaming, groaning, moaning, pouting, whining, sulking, laughing, and fasfhewoajojl. Spent a good portion of the day moving Suzy's stuff. Then went to rehearsal slightly out of it and not really aware of anything. And then I came home. Sounds like a really cut and dry day but I JUST DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY I AM SO DAMN FRUSTRATED. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh UGHGHGHHAFJDOIAJFIOEWAOFJEFCM aweGFAWREGFAWIEFGTEFWOWR MASHTHEKEYBOARDWITHMYFISTSAHHH. What the hell is this? I don't know! I am watching 'Cash in the Attic' and something just undersold a whole lot so that warmed my heart a bit. A lot of the causes for which the money is being raised are all really emotional and make me feel colder than a witch's tit for cackling every time they make the 'Oh dear...' face. Allison we're gonna have a 'Cash...' marathon. I need you here with me for this, it's just not the same without you. Hahaha the faces! Nod...nod...nod nod...shake...oh everything is underselling it's glorious. Oh, mom, you'd be so proud, so since I've been having trouble sleeping again, ugh ugh, I bought....caffeine free diet coke. I have one in the freezer right now, not one soda has exploded in the new apartment yet, another reason to be proud.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Cakes in cups!
There they be! I used a recipe for vanilla cupcakes from the Magnolia bakery in NYC, they taste delish, and then I made two frostings, a cream cheese and a vanilla buttercream with amaretto, the buttercream is suuuuper sugary cause I had to use a little extra sugar to compensate for the extra liquid, but I don't mind. These were actually super simple to make and made delicious batter that lined the bowl once I was done and as the baker I got to 'take care of it'. Mmm, and then I made these scrambled eggs for dinner and buttered english muffin. So that was really darn good. Then I watched 'Heroes' and then 'The Riches' and oh I do love those shows, and 'The Riches' is really good. Now I'm getting ready to watch 'Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest' and paint my the nails. Now that I've got the polish off I can see just how long they are. Oh yeah, it's raining! It's pouring! Somewhere in New Mexico Dad is snoring! Teehee!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Strange Brew.
So Suzy has a grapefruit living on her ovary. Class was great yesterday, it was the first time we were up doing actual scenes rather than just practicing improvisation techniques, and I got a thumbs up from Gelman which sent my heart and hopes aflutter. After that Annie and I joined two of the guys in our class for a quick drink at one of the bars across the street. So that was fun then I rushed Annie to work and then drove up to Uncle Nick's where Georgia informed me that 'Mojito night beckons' so I kicked up the speed to 120mph, haha juust kidding, but there were some maniac semi-truck drivers so I was all cautious of them. Once I got there I was greeted with a clean Otto and a strong Mojito. It was gorgeous out and we sat on the deck while they fired up the grill for Cuban pork and halibut. And there was rice with saffron which was delicious. Then we had some strawberries for dessert. A very refreshing evening, and we were joined by their neighbors with their cuteasbuttons blonde children. After that I made my way back home in a very comfortable food coma. Got back, did some dishes and went to see the suffering Sooze. Sat and ate cookies with her a bit and then came back home and watched an episode of 'The Riches' which I had recorded on my DVR. Fell asleep at some point and woke up at some point very comfortable in bed and the way the light comes into my room when I awake is just so nice. So I dragged my sorry ass out of bed and headed up to Suzy's and we went downtown to her doctor's appointment and got some bloodwork done, and the nurse taking her blood was named Margaret, how fun! Then we did I got a very cute dress for Jake's birthday party and I'm so excited to wear it, I also got some fun cheap clip on earrings. I'll be getting drunk in style. We then made our way back here and picked up some hair dye and did my hair, yay. And Jake told me about some of the bad but interesting things that have happened in Chicago, one of which I've always feared. An El train colliding with another, derailing and falling OFF the track onto the street killing many. Yikes. And I've just now returned from ushering Suzy back to her WAYTOOFARNORTH abode. Logan Square Sooze, seriously, it's where it's (me and Des) at. I've got two turntables and a microphone. Hm. Now, hmm now, ah yes I think I'm gonna make Jake some birthday cupcakes tomorrow since I'll be busy Wednesday. Gag when did my life become full of stuff? Anyone? Anyone? Ugh I need to repaint my nails, because they're so damn long things I normally use my fingertips for I know use my nails for. Ah well such is life. Burp.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Taters precious.
I'm watching my DVR RECORDED Eddie Izzard 'Glorious' it's all good except that it's been edited down, ah well it's nice to have it going on my tv while I do stuff on my computer. Yesterday was 420! ...Anyways, not that exciting. Jake and I got brunch this morning-ish at this place called Dunlays On The Squaaaaaaare. Delish, got french toast and a side of lovely taters, done hash brown ricer style with this lovely saucyness. Jake got eggggses florentine which tasted delicious, he put a leaf of green something or other on my plate as encouragement but I snubbed it. Nice try. After being filled with yum we went to this western store where we looked at boots and things, there were wonderful fake horses decorating the outside of the store and I'm regretting now not riding the kiddie mechanical horse out front. After that we went to another bootsy place where Jake found several boots to prance around the store in and decided on a pair that he liked, it's almost annoying how he pulls off boots like that. Maybe if I were a man, someday. After that it was getting really hot and I was grateful for the air conditioning in my car. Dropped off Jake and retrieved my 'Hug Me' necklace which I'd left there some previous night. Hmm I think I left it in the car, ah well. I went to Dominick's and did some good grocery shopping, I got Peanut Butter with Honey, nice. I these mini...corndogs. I'd never cared for corndogs before, but as I willed myself away from the overly priced Pancake on a stick (with sausage in middle)...check out my willpower Mom, I saw the much more reasonably priced mini corndogs and my crazy for meat on stick surrounded by breadishness said 'GET IT!' and when I talk in caps lock to myself, I have to listen. What I did do before I got to the check out line was put several things back, ooh. Came home put that all away. Had a lovely nap because I just couldn't fall asleep or stay asleep last night. And now, well now I've just had a shower and enjoying Eddie. Now I'm gonna make my hair look fantastic for NO REASON booya.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
So, I'm just finishing up 'Platoon', downloading 'Full Metal Jacket', got 'Apocalypse Now: Redux' waiting in the wings, 'The Deer Hunter' fresh in my memory, one might call this some sort of trend. I'm not sure why I enjoy movies about 'Nam so much, just always thought that the Vietnam War was really interesting, and clearly the stuff of great movies. So I'm gonna continue my little Vietnam kick as long as I can, if anyone has any recommendations I would love to hear them. On a lighter note, I'm sad, since pretty much everyone that reads this also talks on the phone with me daily, you probably already know. I hope to be unsad soon, but until then, I'm really fucking depressed and I don't know why. I love you all lots.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
I'm witholding.
Blah, I'm blah, blah blah blah, not sure what happened. I just feel like curling up and staying in bed but it gets old just lying there, and I don't know. I want brownies or something. But I don't even have the will to do that. Think I'll go back to bed. Someone buy me a pony.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Ohm my goodness.
What a wild and crazy weekend. Please note from now on when I say weekend, I am including thursday nights, because they're the new friday. So I picked up Annie from the airport late thursday evening, drove back into town and then headed over to Jake's and we proceeded to go to a bar to do some drinking. So I drank a lot of PBR which seems to be happening a lot lately. I honestly wish I could tell you more but I'm drawing a blank, not because I was soooo wasted man! More so because the whole weekend is blurrish right now. I do recall once we returned from the bar we watched 'The Labyrinth' but I ended up going to bed like a quarter way through and that night getting accidentally elbowed in the face by someone who shall remain anonymous so his reputation is not sullied. Ze next morning/day Jake, Annie, and I went to this lovely little place callled....Ksomething Traveler's Cafe Majig, I was slightly hungover and don't recall much other than the lovely breakfast of steamed eggs till fluffy with cheddar and fresh baguette. Mmmmm. And Annie got a vanilla malt and challah french toast with warm fruit compote, and Jake got something called a Roma sandwich or something of the like. OH MY GOSH!
New paragraph, you guys are such bullies. So Annie and I headed home and showered and then went right out the door again up to the Riviera and met up with her band buddies and went to this sushi place. It was really a fun looking restaurants, huge red booths. Don't gasp just yet, I didn't have any sushi, maybe someday though. So then we went to the theater and went with the band backstage and hung out there met cool people watched the show from the side of the stage yadda yadda yadda. Fun stuff, after Strata, Annie and I went on a mission for drinks (the order of events hereafter are not guaranteed correct, deal) and got some lovely overpriced stuff which took about ten seconds to consume. Big blurrr of hanging out with fun people and la de da can't remember specifics too tired right now. In fact, I think I'll continue this in the morning. But you won't know because I'm just gonna 'Save as draft' and return to it. So uh, goodnight?
And I'm back. Oh not really, I need to walk around. I'll be back again later. God this is taking FOREVER.
Right so I'm back, and determined to finish this. I don't know why this is taking me so long it's not as though I have a gigantic amount more to say. K so hanging out backstage la-dee-da, uh more drinks I believe and I smelled an excess of pot as we roamed through the labyrinth back towards the backstage area. At some point the show was over and beer was handed out so I drank a few, and there was sort of a three person community bottle of vodka and Monster, delish. Annie and I heard that everyone was partying up at the bar so we headed up there but went to one of the upstairs bars where SURPRISE! no one was there but two lonely boxes of beer, so Annie and I took three each treating ourselves to one right away and stowing the other two in our purses. Tooled around the theater a bit and then met up with others and readied for the afterparty deal. While standing outside the van just sort of hanging out it was time to pull out a beer from my purse which was very handy because we didn't leave for like another half hour. At some point I got sort of scraped by the fence and so I have a war wound, it's kick ass and wimpy looking. Then we all piled in the van and had a party in the van. Bohemian Rhapsody and crowd surfing. Great combo. We then headed downtown to where the hotel was at, and it's very exciting going down Lakeshore Drive in a van stuffed with people. So we pile out check out the hotel get in a cab and go to this lameass packed club called Ohm. Ryan, guitarist from the band, and I sat and mocked the people in the club for awhile then everyone regrouped and got Mexican food. Piled into a cab and went back to the hotel and fell asleep.
We woke up, went to like a million different places in search of food and settled on this place called Pizano's. I got a bacon cheeseburger, big surprise. It was really fucking delicious, not sure if it was just cause of how hungry I was or because of it's actual quality but it was highly satisfying. I ate that and made a mess of my face as I told the two guys we were with about my Second City shizz. We returned to the hotel and sat in the lobby for about half an hour which was a welcome change from the cold of the outside. So then there was about 20 minutes of hugging everyone goodbye and during this hugsforall I pouted about how cold it was and so Ryan gave me a hat of his, which I've been wearing a heck of a lot. So thanks Ryan! Even though you will probably never read this. So after the goodbyes Annie and I went to Starbucks where I got a Vanilla Creme with Hazelnut to warm up cause it was soooo effing cold. Then we walked to the red line station and basked in the warmth of underground heat. Train came and we hopped on and got off to find that my car had somehow avoided getting even one ticket. Yay! It's a miracle. By now it was already like 3:30pm and so we headed back to my place where I did not shower but opted for wiping my face with a wet washcloth instead. Put on some clothes and headed over to pre-show rehearsal at Katy's house. It took me about 30 minutes to find parking but we finally did. So we started rehearsal and I had a beer to start off the evening, and then another. Then it was time to go, so because I'd had a couple beers, pay attention Mom! Annie and I went with Sarah and AnnieImprov to the bar. So we got there and I snuck Suzy in saying she was part of the group, and we three girls got Strawberry Mango Bombs, mmm. Then I got a beer, and then another and then it was for us to go on. Show went well I was in the some fun games and had a beer on the side of the stage, and I definitely need to invest in some fake glasses. After that, had another beer, hung around for a bit and then we walked to Clarke's. Once I sobered up we went back to my car and we went home. It was around 1:30ish, and I decided to put on the 'The Excorcist', the version with all the new scary stuff. I slightly napped, talked to Jake for a bit, napped some more until it was 5:30am, and we headed out around 6am to take Annie to the airport, made it to O'hare at 6:16, amazing, didn't speed or anything. Dropped her off and headed back, dropping off Suzy on the way...ish. Came back home went to sleep.
Rest of the day kind of a blur cause I was so very sleepy. Decided not to go up to Nick and Amy's for dinner and napped instead, talked to Jake around 8ish met up with him in Lincoln Park where he was doing bar reviews and grabbed a milkshake at Clarke's. Then we headed back up to his place because I was pretty sure my birth control had fallen out of my purse and into the depths of his couch. So we get there I stick my hand in the couch and bingo! there it is. So that was a weight off my mind. Then Jake, Paul and I watched the second half of Saturday Night Fever and that was great fun. Then went back home and downloaded and watched The Office, Lost, Andy Barker P.I. and The Riches. Oh yeah, had a really low day on sunday as well, everything suddenly dropped. Kind of horrible. But I'm pretty much back, I think. Anyhoo, woke up today noonish hung around, unpacked a bunch of stuff, finally. Then I took a walk down Milwaukee to Division turned right around and came back. Went to this skincare party thingy that Paula was hosting, got a free thing of hand cream, came back here dawdled around for a bit. Talked to Jake a bit, he's got a book of favorite recipes of bands and shit. And now, I'm hungry. My goodness you guys have a lot to read. Should I make some smaller paragraphs for you...guh. Fine. There, I love you guys.
New paragraph, you guys are such bullies. So Annie and I headed home and showered and then went right out the door again up to the Riviera and met up with her band buddies and went to this sushi place. It was really a fun looking restaurants, huge red booths. Don't gasp just yet, I didn't have any sushi, maybe someday though. So then we went to the theater and went with the band backstage and hung out there met cool people watched the show from the side of the stage yadda yadda yadda. Fun stuff, after Strata, Annie and I went on a mission for drinks (the order of events hereafter are not guaranteed correct, deal) and got some lovely overpriced stuff which took about ten seconds to consume. Big blurrr of hanging out with fun people and la de da can't remember specifics too tired right now. In fact, I think I'll continue this in the morning. But you won't know because I'm just gonna 'Save as draft' and return to it. So uh, goodnight?
And I'm back. Oh not really, I need to walk around. I'll be back again later. God this is taking FOREVER.
Right so I'm back, and determined to finish this. I don't know why this is taking me so long it's not as though I have a gigantic amount more to say. K so hanging out backstage la-dee-da, uh more drinks I believe and I smelled an excess of pot as we roamed through the labyrinth back towards the backstage area. At some point the show was over and beer was handed out so I drank a few, and there was sort of a three person community bottle of vodka and Monster, delish. Annie and I heard that everyone was partying up at the bar so we headed up there but went to one of the upstairs bars where SURPRISE! no one was there but two lonely boxes of beer, so Annie and I took three each treating ourselves to one right away and stowing the other two in our purses. Tooled around the theater a bit and then met up with others and readied for the afterparty deal. While standing outside the van just sort of hanging out it was time to pull out a beer from my purse which was very handy because we didn't leave for like another half hour. At some point I got sort of scraped by the fence and so I have a war wound, it's kick ass and wimpy looking. Then we all piled in the van and had a party in the van. Bohemian Rhapsody and crowd surfing. Great combo. We then headed downtown to where the hotel was at, and it's very exciting going down Lakeshore Drive in a van stuffed with people. So we pile out check out the hotel get in a cab and go to this lameass packed club called Ohm. Ryan, guitarist from the band, and I sat and mocked the people in the club for awhile then everyone regrouped and got Mexican food. Piled into a cab and went back to the hotel and fell asleep.
We woke up, went to like a million different places in search of food and settled on this place called Pizano's. I got a bacon cheeseburger, big surprise. It was really fucking delicious, not sure if it was just cause of how hungry I was or because of it's actual quality but it was highly satisfying. I ate that and made a mess of my face as I told the two guys we were with about my Second City shizz. We returned to the hotel and sat in the lobby for about half an hour which was a welcome change from the cold of the outside. So then there was about 20 minutes of hugging everyone goodbye and during this hugsforall I pouted about how cold it was and so Ryan gave me a hat of his, which I've been wearing a heck of a lot. So thanks Ryan! Even though you will probably never read this. So after the goodbyes Annie and I went to Starbucks where I got a Vanilla Creme with Hazelnut to warm up cause it was soooo effing cold. Then we walked to the red line station and basked in the warmth of underground heat. Train came and we hopped on and got off to find that my car had somehow avoided getting even one ticket. Yay! It's a miracle. By now it was already like 3:30pm and so we headed back to my place where I did not shower but opted for wiping my face with a wet washcloth instead. Put on some clothes and headed over to pre-show rehearsal at Katy's house. It took me about 30 minutes to find parking but we finally did. So we started rehearsal and I had a beer to start off the evening, and then another. Then it was time to go, so because I'd had a couple beers, pay attention Mom! Annie and I went with Sarah and AnnieImprov to the bar. So we got there and I snuck Suzy in saying she was part of the group, and we three girls got Strawberry Mango Bombs, mmm. Then I got a beer, and then another and then it was for us to go on. Show went well I was in the some fun games and had a beer on the side of the stage, and I definitely need to invest in some fake glasses. After that, had another beer, hung around for a bit and then we walked to Clarke's. Once I sobered up we went back to my car and we went home. It was around 1:30ish, and I decided to put on the 'The Excorcist', the version with all the new scary stuff. I slightly napped, talked to Jake for a bit, napped some more until it was 5:30am, and we headed out around 6am to take Annie to the airport, made it to O'hare at 6:16, amazing, didn't speed or anything. Dropped her off and headed back, dropping off Suzy on the way...ish. Came back home went to sleep.
Rest of the day kind of a blur cause I was so very sleepy. Decided not to go up to Nick and Amy's for dinner and napped instead, talked to Jake around 8ish met up with him in Lincoln Park where he was doing bar reviews and grabbed a milkshake at Clarke's. Then we headed back up to his place because I was pretty sure my birth control had fallen out of my purse and into the depths of his couch. So we get there I stick my hand in the couch and bingo! there it is. So that was a weight off my mind. Then Jake, Paul and I watched the second half of Saturday Night Fever and that was great fun. Then went back home and downloaded and watched The Office, Lost, Andy Barker P.I. and The Riches. Oh yeah, had a really low day on sunday as well, everything suddenly dropped. Kind of horrible. But I'm pretty much back, I think. Anyhoo, woke up today noonish hung around, unpacked a bunch of stuff, finally. Then I took a walk down Milwaukee to Division turned right around and came back. Went to this skincare party thingy that Paula was hosting, got a free thing of hand cream, came back here dawdled around for a bit. Talked to Jake a bit, he's got a book of favorite recipes of bands and shit. And now, I'm hungry. My goodness you guys have a lot to read. Should I make some smaller paragraphs for you...guh. Fine. There, I love you guys.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Sub-urban Myths.
I just got back, well not JUST got back, but about an hour ago got back from my interview at Urban Outfitter's and I think it went pretty well. It was a group interview and there were about five of us and it was actually really nice that way. This one girl Hilary was really nice and the others seemed cool as well. We talked with the hiring manager for about 50 minutes and time just flew by! Next step for us is to take an online survey thingymajig, which ha-hah! I already did. So I should be hearing back from them in a couple of days and I really hope I got the job. Afterwards as a little treat for being pretty confident in the interview I got an egg and cheese fettia at Sultan's Market, which was mmmmmmmmmmm so good. If I get the job then I can eat there more and be all healthy and shiiiit. I am grrr because I just got soda last night and now it's like all gone, Hey! Wha' happened? I need to pick up my room so that Annie isn't so repelled, I did laundry, including the mattress sheet so it'll be nice and clean. I just need to find a goddamn place to put all my clothes, which leads me to another birthday idea, a dresser. And an air conditioner, as cold as it was last night Suzy and I managed to get hot and sweaty. And took trashy pictures and that was good fun. Now I don't have an almost empty bottle of Jack Daniel's eyeing me, since I am done with Jack and I was just keeping him around in case someone else wanted him. Four and a half hours till Annie gets here and I'm super excited. That seems to be the word of choice with this weekend, super excited. Geez, pick a new word and get creative Margaret. So I'm looking at the length of this thing and you're right Allison, my lack of using paragraphs might be intimidating...for the weak ones! I'm watching The O.C. and it makes me think of when we first started watching it and awww I miss you guys. This room needs more light, tooo baaaad, you'll just have to wait Margaret till you fire up the motivation to go to Target and pick up some more of those stupidly specific lightbulbs that your awesome Larva Lamp so desperately requires. Why do I talk to myself like that? I have you, the blog readers, to speak to but for some reason referring to myself is far more fun, for me. I wonder how much longer I can write, I want to make this post enormous to trump the last huge paragraph that made Allison wet her pants with fear. Ugh, think brain, think. I feel like Winnie the Pooh, well if I'm being Pooh I should probably be eating honey...hahaha I spelled that hunny at first. My life is so full of spice. Jealous? I kinda wanna watch Center Stage, all this Peter Gallagherness has me thinking of....chicken wings! Oh isolating comedy callbacks that 0nly Allison will find amusing. Maybe I'll put the bedsheet back on and...ugh I need a Roomba. Birthday! Ok I'm boring myself, sort of. I can't keep typing, plus I think the fact that my nails are longer they hit the keyboard and that my chip my polish. So ooh! I'm going to paint the tips I've chipped. Peas out.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Your eyes do not deceive you, that is indeed snow on the ground. I know that this is really not so unexpectable (new word) from a city with such a high standard for being extreme in it's weather conditions, but this is not the time for it Chicago, you made your point last week when you froze my hands so THEY COUDLN'T MOVE. I get it, you like to get really, really cold just after having given us a taste of delightfully warm, but not hot, spring. And while this two weeks drones on we're all thinking of the little treat you gave us that hopefully will be returning soon. And maybe the perfect temperature of not too hot just warm enough will return...for maybe a week, five of those days being really windy to take away from the pleasantness of it all. Then you'll hit us with clothes drenching heat and humidity. So thanks, because I figured out your evil plan. I'm hoping that by displaying it for the whole world, AKA my family and friends, that you won't go through with it because you feel thwarted. So it's done, I've thwarted you. Give in and give us warmth.
Monday, April 9, 2007
What kind of fuckery is this?
Hmm I can't remember what I last posted about. Ah yes, thursday. So hmm friday Jake and I met up and he got some fooood and then had a walk in the cold to go see this comedy lit thingymajig but apparently its sooo popular that it was sold out. So we walked with a couple people he knew that also hadn't gotten there in time to go get food and drink. So I had four beers, ugh, wishing I hadn't since it just prolonged this stupid cold. And then we hightailed it uptown where Jake got more food, mexxxican, and so I ate some of his chips. We watched 'Wet Hot American Summer' which I hadn't watched in forever and was so lovely to see again. Cut to next morning and Jake missing his 7:30 am train home which I felt partly responsible for since I fell asleep and his alarm seems to make him sleep more rather than wake up. So he got on an 8:30 train instead and I came back home and I think I slept, I hope I slept. Later that day I went to hang out with Sooze and oh! haha on the way I applied for a job at this resale clothes store and froze my ass and hands off. Then I got to Suzy's and it was nice and warm. We watched Flavor of Love, Flavor of Love Reunion, and I Love New York. We are disgusted with ourselves, especially since we got so into it. I trekked home around 2ish, didn't fall asleep till 5ish and woke up at 8ish and hit the open road to Milwaukee to meet up with Liz and Kit. The Easter bunny knew I was coming to Milwaukee and brought me candy! Mmm and there was Kika, the cute chocolate lab of Steve, Kit's brother. We then went to wherever we went and had BRUNCH! with the rest of Kit's family. Ho. Ly. Shit. FOOD. All for the taking. I had scrambly eggs, bacon, sausage, waffle, blintzes, croissant and cookie bar. Seconds was scrambly eggs, more blintzes, uhhh...I forget. Dessert was carrot cake, cheesecake, strawberry cheesecake bar, creampuff, eclair....gaaaaawwwwddd. And a Coke. Then we went to a bar but it was just us cause it was someone's bar! That makes sense in my mind and I don't feel the need to clarify. I had a Coke cause I was driving and sick, see. I then tried to find my way back to Milwaukee with a couple bumps in trying to figure what direction I needed to be going. But I got it down. Uneventful drive back scattered with bad drivers and lovely call from Sam saying that he got a free guitar, 'a Gibson SG!' said in Samspeak. I got to Nick and Amy's around 5:30 and drooled over the ribs and the potato chips being made. Regular and Sweet Potato. Those were....amazing. And the Easter bunny came there too! I got a big chocolate bunny, a kite, a hatching egg and some blowpops. And leftovers. Mmmm. Oh and fried egg cookies. Mmm topnotch. Came home and let my belly rest from the day of extreme eating. Who knew that Jesus died for the specific sin of gluttony. Took some nyquil last night since my cough was horrendous, and it's pretty much good now-ish. Woke up this morning and I think Lisa called and I was very sleepy as I tried to talk to her. Then I doddled around getting up and Sooze came and picked me up and went and applied at Urban Outfitters (cross your fingers people) and then Suzy bought us McDonald's, she's the devil, the good kind. We got their new Cinnamon Melts...which made me melt into a puddle of tasty fat. Incidentally I thought of a good birthday present that I definitely want, a gym membership. We then went and attempted to move her bed...but it did not happen so we just moved a couple things. I then got to meet the family who she'll be living under. The kids are soooooooooo cute. Just adorable, and the house is really cute and homey. Her apartment is a crazy mess right now but once it's all organized it'll be fun stuff. We then got on the bus where Suzy decided would be a good place to leave her phone. Got home and ordered some Thai food, thanks Sooze. It was delicious, I got wide noodles with egg and chicken in a sweet soy sauce, no brocolli, mwahah. Finally mustered up the strength and will to walk to the train and get on the bus and now I am home. AndI have pictures. So here they are ya'll.

I have some pictures from the night of the show but I'm tired so I'll post those later. I love you all.
I have some pictures from the night of the show but I'm tired so I'll post those later. I love you all.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Angelina Jolie has the Herp.
So the show was awesome, fucking awesome. So much fun, we went for a solid hour and it didn't drag even though we had planned to do a 45 minute show. So yay! I got kinda pimped into playing Angelina Jolie, which was fun. I can't wait for our next show, I hope it goes just as well. So afterwards, were drinks. Lots and lots of drinks. I had two beers before we went on to calm my nerves and such. And so after our show there was a karaoke fund raiser with $15 all you can drink for two hours. So I did that. Jake joined me around 9ishness and we had many drinks then went upstairs and had more drinks and talked with this odd couple who were really into the whole karaoke thing. So Jake put in his song to sing and brought me onstage with him and we sang Kiss' 'Strutter' which I had never heard before so I just sort of followed Jake's lead and the lovely lyrics on the screen. After that we left and he got a burrito and chips and the chips were pretty tasty considering I'd been too nervous to eat anything all day. Oh and it was damn freezing outside and yet I was still able to get too hot while I slept, I blame electric blankets. Morning was bitter and cold and Jake and I took the red line and I got off to take the bus and found myself without singles, so I was required to buy a Naked juice to get some change, so I got myself a Mighty Mango which helped with a previous hangover and it was soooo good. Came home, called pretty everyone and then fell asleep around noonish for two hours. Got up made myself a fried egg bologna and cheese on an English muffin. Browsed around craigslist for jobs saw one about pet sitting that sounds interesting so I'm filling out an application for that and Jenae asked if I wanted to make some money tonight so I'll be passing out Easter candy and looking cute. Yay. Oh and pictures of last night and the skull hand thing are coming.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Snow? Really, Chicago?
So, it is lightly snowing. Jake mentioned on the phone last night that it was gonna snow today, I was kinda hoping he was wrong. Oh well, it seems to have ceased. I have painted my nails red, painted my nails red! Now let's just hope that I do not damage the lovely job that I've done. Oh damn, too late. Fucking keyboard. I've just showered and will depart in an hour and thirty minutes. Pre-show rehearsal for two hours and then off to the Spot to die on stage, mmm. And drinks afterward. At least my nails will be semi-pretty. And I won't have to cake on tons of make up, much as love doing that, because it's IMPROV MAN! And it's not like a grand theatre where people will be struggling to make out our faces. And then drinks afterward. Ugh, well I have to figure out my clothes situation which is a pity since I'll probably take my sweet ass time picking which bra looks best and least slutty and leave me precious little time to make my hair look decent, my face kind of takes care of itself these days so I thank you, face. Right heeere weeee gooo.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Back to Black
So I've had Amy Winehouse's 'Back to Black' on repeat for a day or so. I'm in love with it. About to put it in on my mp3 player and head downtown to walk around, listen to music, and...drumroll...job hunt. First I need to charge my mp3 player and shit. So last night I went over to Suzy's and had a lovely time. She got me this skeleton hand thing holding a skull whilst in Mexico. It's made out of real bone! I love it. Sooze made us some delicious pasta and I scarfed it down like a pig being used as a means to get rid of certain types of 'evidence'. Been watching too much Deadwood clearly, but just try and stop me. Anyhoo, with my mp3 player, a couple sweaters, Jake's shirt, and Paul's new slingshot in tow I headed back home. Wandered around for a bit and then it got kinda late so I started in the direction of home. Once I was home I watched 'Ugly Betty' and then fell asleep to 'Pink Floyd Live in Pompeii' and dreamed weird dreams till I woke up around 11ish, but stayed in bed till 12ish because I was lazy. It's really nice and grey out so I'm super pumped to go downtown, I never get down there anymore. But first I look like a hot mess so I've got to clean up this situation called my hair and face. Bleh. Oh! I did dishes! And we have a garbage disposal but it sounds like there's something metal stuck in there. Any advice Mom? I'm all excited to have a garbage disposal again because yay! Gross food taken care of. Right time to get off my ass. Mwah!
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Sultans and things
Mom why the heck don't you answer your phone? Anyhoo, I spent the weekend at the Jake and Paul residence, and hope I didn't annoy them too badly. Friday after the bedframe was taken out of my room, I have so much space now, I got all "dolled up" (but not really) and headed uptown to start the evening. We, and by we I mean a bunch of people whose names at this present time I cannot recall, went to a party and drank lots of Old Style. After a couple hours I felt like I was gonna pass out just from being so darn tired and drunk, and then I woke up and an hour later or so we left. Got back to Jake's and slept. Then we awoke, Jake and I got breakfast and then Jake and Paul recorded some fun music, then naptime, then Jake and I went down to return a week late DVD and grabbed dinner a delicious restaurant with food I wouldn't have otherwise eaten, but it was sooo good. And while we were eating it started pouring rain, luckily we were able to catch a bus back up to Jake's place, grabbed some beer, watched this movie 'Clean' with a couple others and then slept. Then I awoke promptly at 10ish halfheartedly tried to wake up Jake but not really since he looked so pleasantly sleepy and went to class. Class was fucking awesome, we're now in week two in which Gelman compares the present Chicago improv scene to a 'motherfucking circle jerk' (Mom, or any other mom-likes reading, don't look that term up, just pretend it means picking daisies). I got a couple 'thumbs up' from Gelman which was awesome and he had a scratch and win thing from Dunkin' Donuts with a question and I got the question right and won a free donut so he gave it to me, booya! Then I stopped home to get my car and drove up for dinner at Uncle Nick's which was crusted pork and Breadsagna (like lasagna but with brioche instead of pasta, mmm) and then ice cream with macaroons for dessert. Deeelish.
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