If I were a chocolate bar. Alas, I am not made of chocolate, I fear if that were the case I would've eaten myself long ago. Hung out with Ed tonight and watched 'Star Wars Tech' and personally cannot wait for the day when I can wield my own lightsabre. Now I'm watching Unwrapped and it's all about burgers. I have these weird insect bite looking things on my arm, not sure what they are. If I'm dead by next week blame the bites! Hmm it feels like it should totally be later than it is. I've been getting crap sleep lately. Oh! So we had rehearsal on Sunday, and if the spirit of one of the scenes that we were rehearsing that day (and that I was totally off book for, booya) I brought out the PBR from my drunk and we proceeded to drink them. And all of a sudden it was 11pm and so most of us went back to Ed's to sit outside and continue drinking. And it got very party like very quickly, I think mainly thanks to Annie, me and all the beer. So I didn't get home till like 4:30am, bleh, and then couldn't fall asleep until 6 or 7, bullshit I say. We'll see if I fare better tonight, haven't even had a nap today so hopefully it'll go better. I'm disgusted with myself because...ugh..I recorded and am about to watch...the new.....Simple Life.
Don't look at me.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Sunday, May 27, 2007
POUND your banana!
Thank you internet for providing me with the correct lyrics to the whole cockney nutjob song deal, I still like badger banana, but just as with the mutant people misinterpretation (are there cups?) I have to honor to true words. I have cake. I am old, I am 22. Ugh, double number.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Badger Banana
So I had the best time with my dearest Allison. In addition to her lovely company she introduced to me to 'The Mighty Boosh' which even now at this moment I have playing. I have been bugging the hell out of Suzy by giving performances of the Hitcher every ten minutes. Oh, Allison, I have series 2 downloaded, so if you have it not yet, let me know. Not much to report, Suzy and I went to see Mort at an improv show at the Annoyance which was great fun. Two dollar PBR's and Suzy bought me two, and paid for the show, what a good friend I have. From the show I now have a new line of dialogue which I can use this week, 'I'm gonna go install a tampon'. Gross and wonderful eh? Suzy and I are gonna make dinner tomorrow, green beans, twice baked potatoes, and a roast chicken marinated in some of the expired marinaded graciously gifted to me by Liz and Kit. Thanks kids! I'm gonna watch series deux of the Mighty Boosh now. I love all of you.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Prepare to enter... The Scary Door.
So I thought I would have something to say after a few hours but not much is to be said. Last night Suzy, Ed and I, and two of his friends, met up and had some drinks, which Ed bought for me, and then we went next door to iO to watch some COMEDY. Suzy bought us some beer, thank you Suzy. And then drunken laughter was had. Then sobering walk to the car during which I saw Piero, my improv group's coach, and so that was fun. Then I woke up late today. Oops. I did a shitload of dishes and then realised that I had rehearsal at four, so I rushed to that and thank goodness I remembered when I did because it was Piero's last day with us because next week he's going on a cruise for four months! I shall miss Piero, we've been with him since class started in....uhh October? Yeah I think October is when class started. Anywho our new coach is someone from one of his improv groups, who are funny, and we had him once before as a sub and he was lots of fun. So yay. Hmm, uh biggest news ever? Allison is gonna be here in less than 48 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so damn excited to see her. Or should I say I'm so excited to see you since you're one of my main readers. Hmm it's almost midnight and I got shit to do tomorrow, shit like cleaning and laundry and shit.
I'm so damn excited to see her. Or should I say I'm so excited to see you since you're one of my main readers. Hmm it's almost midnight and I got shit to do tomorrow, shit like cleaning and laundry and shit.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Sin and Tonic
Sooooo I auditioned tonight for my improv classmate friend, Ed's sketch show that he's writing and directing aaaand I got in! YAYAYAYAY! So I'm very excited and oh I'm just so happy. Umm I don't have much else to say so I'm gonna watch 'Music and Lyrics' and be all happy and in bed. So I love you all!
Friday, May 11, 2007
Sooo my birthday
I've been really lazy about making a birthday list so here's a start. Uhh
Clothes or gift certificates
Other things
Make up, find my gift registry on Sephora
Clothes or gift certificates
Other things
Make up, find my gift registry on Sephora
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
This looks like the Land of the Lost.
Uh big huge goblets of PBR were consumed last night. I don't know how I survived. Suzy and I grabbed dinner at our diner first and then headed down to Belmont and picked up Mort then parked the car by the Holiday Club for the night and commenced drinking. Paul showed up about half an hour later and fun was had, it was open mic night and there was some good stuff. Playeristic is a word I wrote down on my hand because a comic was so proud of it he said we should blog about it, so I am. Mort did a little stand up routine and was quite humorous. We took pictures in a photo booth! Then Paul, Suzy, and I walked back to Paul's for a bit drank some scotch whiskey and went to the beach where my ass got wet and we made friendly with the security guards who kindly told us that the park was closed, and then one of them hit on me as Suzy and Paul abandoned me in pretending to be a couple so I told the guard that we were actually a threesome. Hah. Then we walked back took a sober up nap and headed home.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Suzy don't look!
If you are Suzy, don't look, unless it's after you've received your gift. But otherwise stop reading. Below is my birthday gift to Suzy, gaze upon it in wonder.

So tonight we're going out because come midnight we can stroll into a bar and order that young one a drink. I feel so fucking old. I'm eating potato gnocchi with red sauce mmmmmm. And oh! Here calls Suzy. If that makes any sense, and because it probably doesn't, Suzy just called. So the PLAN is we are going to (I'm sort of shouting all this in my head) go hang out at Aaron's, worker of porny Nationwide, because it is his birthday today, so we, Paul Suzy and I, will do that and then at midnight go to a bar and get FUCKED UP. Booya. I'm excited, I should shower, or go to the gym first, gym first right.
So tonight we're going out because come midnight we can stroll into a bar and order that young one a drink. I feel so fucking old. I'm eating potato gnocchi with red sauce mmmmmm. And oh! Here calls Suzy. If that makes any sense, and because it probably doesn't, Suzy just called. So the PLAN is we are going to (I'm sort of shouting all this in my head) go hang out at Aaron's, worker of porny Nationwide, because it is his birthday today, so we, Paul Suzy and I, will do that and then at midnight go to a bar and get FUCKED UP. Booya. I'm excited, I should shower, or go to the gym first, gym first right.
You say it's your birthday...
Well it's almost my birthday too, so, here is my Sephora gift registry. Sooo go buy me something eh? Right now I'm preparing for Suzy's birthday and by preparing I mean sitting on my ass when I should be going to the store. ha. ha. Her birthday is tomorrow, May 9th, so we're going out tonight cause at midnight she will be able to step into a bar and drink legally. So I'm thinking I'll go to the store first do her present and then go work out, come back and shower my ass with soap and water get dressed and get ready for fun. Yeeeah, ugh now if I could just muster the energy and will to do that. Rah rah rah.
Friday, May 4, 2007
Did I sthutter?
I got my tongue pierced again. Yay! I've been to the gym four times this week. Yay! I haven't had solid food in about 48 hours boooo. I'm cooking some broth right now. I got some Ovaltine, chocolate malt, and it's pretty good. It sounds like they're doing construction above me. Hmm oh our show on Wednesday night was reeeally good and I got pretty drunk and woke up with a hangover the next day but it was gone after three aspirin and two hours of sleep. Suzy and I hung out. And uh yeah. Alright day.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
I accidentally bought regular coke rather than diet, because the caffeine free is gold I didn't notice that it didn't also say diet, and I am pissed. Anyhoo, I worked out last night and went to rehearsal and had a bundles of fun. Then I woke up early, 9:30am early, today and picked up Annie and we went and worked out for about an hour, fuun stuff. Tomorrow we're gonna take 10:30am Aquaerobics class, yay water! Right so here are some pictures from the weekend.

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