So I'm really hoping to come up to Door County on either Monday or Tuesday, preferably Monday. We need to make that bacon creation that I posted about a couple months ago. Also, I would love to make
this sometime while in Wisconsin, seems like it would be a fun family project. I've been watching a lot of Food Network, Giada just did a tour of Chicago. She went to Uno's since that where Chicago deep dish was created and all, but whatever I think she should gone somewhere that does really good Chicago stuffed pizza, or maybe I should try going to Uno's and getting some pizza since I always got thin crust pizza or burgers when I went there, and that was back at ASU. They had really good desserts. Anyhoo, she also went to Orange. So I've been inspired to go back to Orange sometime because since my goal this summer is to try sushi, I'll take baby steps towards that by getting the frushi, mmm they did a good eggs benedict, not as good as Toast, but good. Next time I go I think I wanna try the french toast kabobs. So I have never had steak and eggs for breakfast, and I would really like to have it sometime since I have recently become a steak fan. Maybe Daaaaaaaaadddyyyy will make this happen for me in Wisconsin. Right well I'm gonna go to bed because tomorrow is looking busyish.