Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Help me get down
So I got my car window fixed, finally. Ugh, yes, I'm not really sure what to say right now, I feel slightly exhausted mentally and physically. I saw this and thought it was blogworthy. I'll update more later.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
I'm bringing sexy back...YEAH!
So Isabel and I are going to go on American Idol and sing SexyBack. Yeah. Anyhoo...so last night Isabel came over while I got ready and then we were off. And we were off to Cesar's, this silly Mexican restaurant that proclaims they make 'killer margaritas' so because Isabel thought I looked sad and lonely with no drink she bought me a margarita. I got a frozen one, it was quite good, and I got a brainfreeze several times. And then our friend Jeff bought me another one, and this time I got a frozen mango one. Mmmm, now this one was really good. It tasted like mango sorbet that was really smooth and slightly melted so it was soft and good. So by the time I was finished with these two I was drunk and didn't feel the need to drink anymore. So then we headed to a loft party on Lake street and I saw a couple people I knew, it's so weird, I'm starting to see more and more people I know at parties, mostly from previous parties. It's just odd not feeling like my only link to the crowd of people I'm avoiding is the person that brought me. It's nice. Anyways, since that party was totally lame we decided we left and went back to Ryan's. Hung around there for a couple hours and then went home. Took me forever to fall asleep and so when Isabel kept calling me like a gajillion times this afternoon I was avoiding answering cause that meant I would have to get up. So I finally answered, first words out of her mouth 'come to the levi's store with me' so I said alright and she came and got me. We went to the Levi's store, didn't get anything, to this accessories store, didn't get anything. Went to Urban Outfitter's, bought everything. But I didn't! Just Isabel. I went around picking out cute clothes for her and when checking sizes, she's so sweet, she would say what do you think would fit us better small or medium? So she bought a bunch of cute new shit that I can't wait to borrow. Now I'm back and I have but 3 hours before I have to dash off again to Norm's going away party at Piece. Which will be nice since I feel like I haven't seen my improv buddies in forever. Sorry that this was probably a pretty boring post. I'll post something more interesting later, but right now I need to lie down I feel worn out from running around Wicker Park in the rain.
Friday, August 17, 2007
I'm just smiling really big.
So I really want the new Blackberry Pearl. And um...shit I was gonna say something of substance in this blog. Oh! Siegfried and Roy came out of the closet! We should celebrate. Ugh, do my eyes deceive me or did the lady at the restaurant last night do that? She claimed that the Blackberry Pearl is available on Verizon, but I'm not finding that here on the internet. Maybe cause it's still new it'll take a while, I hope it becomes available for Verizon customers. T-Mobile already has Sidekicks what do they need Blackberries for eh?? I had a dream I had a huge birthmark on my thigh.
The difference between 100 and 100 million
Um, I meant $100 million, not just $100. That would be a pretty boring movie if they just went chasing after that stolen amount.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Blue barrette
I didn't get much sleep last night, or today for that matter. At 6am when it became evident that I wasn't falling asleep any time soon I decided fuck it, the cable guy is supposed to be here between 8am-12 so I might as well stay up. Ugh. So shortly after deciding this I decided to watch 'The Secret of NIMH' because it is one of the free movies from OnDemand so yay, childhood. And it feels like before it even began it was over, it was so good, I shed a tear. And it was almost 8am, great. But 8 o'clock came and went, so because the cable guy wasn't prompt I put on...'Bad Boys'. Oh bad boys, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when I come for you? Indeed. I didn't find out because I fell asleep as soon $100 worth of confiscated heroin was stolen by the bad guys (not to be confused with the bad boys). I roused again around 10ish, still no sign of the man, and then 12ish, no sign of the man, and then around 1:20 Jenae came in to inform that 'he' was here. I sleepily obliged. So after an hour or so he left satisfied that he had fulfilled his duties even though the wireless internet is still not working, but he blames the router, which he had to say about 13 times before Jenae and I understood that he was saying 'router'. And what he meant for us to do about it. Sigh. Thinking I might be lulled back to sleep by the good ol' bad boys, I put the movie on...again. No dice. I watched the whole thing. Oh well. Oh yeah in between all this happening I was asleep all the times that Suzy called to coax me out of the house and into the zoo, sorry Suzy, never heard it ringing and I was silly enough not to be checking my phone, I would much rather have gone to the zoo with you and the kids than lying around all day sleepless. Ah well. Isabel and I went out and grabbed a burger, mmm, bacon and mole. And by mole, I mean mol-ay, as in guacamole. I'm sorry I don't have anything of substance to say right now, I'm too tired to think, I'll do something more interesting on here tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Now there's an idea!

So this is a fun little deal, it's a random idea generator, and up there, well that's one of the ideas it randomly generated for me.
Oh I hope
So this is just a rumor BUT 'The Hobbit' might be directed by Sam Raimi and produced by Peter Jackson. Is it too much to hope that by having Peter Jackson produce he might also be...heavily involved in directing as well? A girl can dream right? Please Hollywood don't fuck this up.
Call me old fashioned but...
...I've been drinking lots of water. I think I might have dehydrated myself from alcoholic consumption over the past week. So I'm taking a little break. I miss home a lot. And ow I just hit my toof on my tongue ring. TBS had a Pierce Brosnan minithon tonight, they played 'After the Sunset' and then 'Laws of Attraction', the latter is finishing up just now. Ooooh will they end up together??? WILL THEY???? I think they just might. Yawn. But he's yummy. Ugh, I just used a food adjective to describe a man. The big twist? When they thought they got married, they really didn't, the man wasn't a real priest so it wasn't legal or anything. And also, to make a marriage truly legal don't you have to obtain a marriage license from city hall, just becuase some dude in a dress says 'man and wife' doesn't make legally binding. Suzy came over tonight and complained that my blog is boring. Why? Why? Why exactly? Be more constructive with your feedback, please. She asked me to write more about my opinions, like my strong anti-crockpot views. Fuck crockpots. I cannot fully express my opposing views on them right now as it is either very late at night or very early in the morning, depending on which type of person you are, me? I'm both. In a way. And if you say otherwise, well just look at the name of my blog.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Sunday morning
Hm. So Isabel and I met up yesterday after she decided she wasn't gonna go camping this weekend, much to my delight. So we went shopping and she (not me Mom) bought shoes, a purse, a dress, and a shirt. Great success. Then we went back to her place to change and get ready. After which we headed to Quencher's had a couple beers and a shot to get the night going. I really like Quencher's I checked their big board and they have the Lambic beer with all the flavors, mmm, I miss that beer. Anyhoo we get word of a loft party down south so we hit the road jack and didn't come back till the party got broken up by the cops, but not before having fun. So we get there and they inform that for $5 we get to drink freeeeee, so we did that. After making the rounds of the party checking out the art, the performance artists and the guy giving tattoos we plant ourselves in what we find to be the least balmy of the rooms. Gazing through the sea of people I suddenly spot a familiar face, it's Paul! I prance over and announce myself and it took him a second as I was coming over to recognize me what with the change in hair length and color. Twas glorious to see him again. Haven't seen him since Suzy's birthday I think. Crazy. We chit chat and catch up and I show the penis garden art piece. Wish I'd gotten a picture but what it was was on a little tuft of grassy stuff were a couple penises with a big rounded glass casing over it. Brilliant. Arty. Then Paul goes downstairs to meet up with his friends that are on their way. Out Paul goes in come police. It was great, no one was hostile or anything everyone just sort of stood around. Isabel and I drain our drinks and make our exit. We find Paul and he informs us of another party, one that is in Logan Square, hurrah. Oh and Jake has appeared. Luckily it went better than the last time I saw him which was made extremely awkward by circumstances. I really missed hanging out with these boys, I remember nothing but good times. So we head to the party which takes forever to find because apparently you need to circle the area several times to unlock the magic that reveals exactly where Campbell street is and how to enter it. The party was pretty alright, I mainly spent it just talking with Jake and Paul and the nice girl in the wheelchair who lived at the house and who shouldn't have let me drink her vodka. Cause I did. Because that my friends is the story of how I wound up hungover on Jake and Paul's couch this morning, and not smelling so great. Ugh. Anyways, it's over. Then I met up with Isabel to get brunch and had a bellini with my chocolate hazelnut stuffed french toast with creme anglaise. Yum. Then I went to class and worked on creating a character which was...sexy. Came back to meet up with Isabel and go out to Woodfield mall to go shopping with her brother. Those two are so cute and talk in Swedish to each other and it's fun for all. I had a delicious strawberry banana smoothie, which reminds me I need to look up other locations of the smoothie place cause it was soo good. We did power shopping which consisted of Isabel grabbing something asking what her brother though he would say something negative she would turn to me and I would nod my head in approval and she would hand it off to him and say 'and get this'. Or when he'd be paying for clothes she would find another thing she fancied and toss to him 'buy this one too!'. I have lots of fun clothes to borrow. Yay Isabel for being a good friend and understanding the need for one such as me to borrow all of her clothing. Anyways I was supposed to go meet up with Suzy and Paul and watch Paul do stand up at this open mic thing but I couldn't get ahold of Paul to find out exactly where it was and then Suzy just called and told me it wasn't worth it, Paul probably wasn't gonna go up, and that she wanted to go home. So I'm here. Blogging. Sexy, no?
Friday, August 10, 2007
And the livin is easy
So last night Isabel and I met up at the Green Eye for a drink before heading to a party thingamajig. So we get to ze party and get some $2 PBR's and start the evening. It was sooo hot in this place and we went from downtairs to upstairs to the back room for all the smokers and outside and basically did that cycle over and over again. So after about 2 hours or so Ryan showed up and not too long after we decided to hit up a bar. But instead we got a couple of beers and went back to Ryan's. I stayed the night since it was late and didn't feel like making a journey home. So I had drunkenly promised to go to beach with Ryan when we woke up, and he held me to it. I finally woke up, after many attempts from Ryan, around 12:30 and we headed out the door so I could changed into my bikini, then! we went and got sandwiches for the beach. We went to this place that Ryan knows of and he got us some Italian subs, mmmm and Limonata to drink, mmmm. So we get to the beach and decide that before we get to the sand we'll eat in the park area. Oh my god, this sandwich was amazing. That's all I'm gonna say because I think it's a little excessive to wax poetic for several paragraphs about bread and meat. So then we get the horrrrible sand. Ugh. Laid in the sun for a couple minutes and then ran like idiots into the water. Expecting it to be ice cold I got a nice surprise, it was perfect temperature. Also wonderful was the fact that it wasn't entirely too hot today. So I think we stayed in the water for about 2 hours. It's funny cause at North avenue beach the lifeguards wade around in row boats making sure that you don't go in water that goes past your stomach, for fear that you may dieeee! Even with that limitation it was still a highly acceptable time. Then we headed back to Ryan's and took what must've been a 2 hour nap. Then I realized Isabel was calling me so I answered to the sound of her manatee sound and the announcement 'MARGARET! I'm hungry!', 'I'm hungry too!' I crowed back. Then I nudged Ryan with the same announcement and insisted that we get up and go meet up with Isabel to eat. So we went to Fizz and got burgers with Isabel, Ryan (Isabel's Ryan), and their roommates Rachel and Sean. After we came back here so I could change out my bathing suit, (no crotch rot for me Mom!) and I discovered I had lake weed inside my bikini top, ew. So after putting on some proper undergarments Ryan and I headed to the Hideout to see his friend's band play, they were pretty good I must say. All in all a very good day, felt like a really good day long date. So since we were both really tired and Ryan has to work at 6 am he dropped me off. Now...ugh I'm watching 'Date My Mom', this show is so damn cheesy and awful. They just used the line 'Glad I got protection in the Jeep...and I'm not talking about the seatbelts.' Gross! Right now it's this crazy Cool!Mom and Cool!Daughter and she is basically trying to pick up the guy for herself and as an aside it has the guy saying 'You don't really have a daughter do you?' Hahaha. I think that's all for now, goodnight.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Fountain Fantasy.
So last night Isabel and I embarked on a long bleach filled journey. It was lots of fun and we made fun hairstyles once my hair was caked in bleach. It did a little but didn't lighten enough or get rid of the orange enough so what we're gonna do is go light golden brown and then in a couple days or so we're gonna bleach the hair again so that instead of a reddish orange base we'll have a nice neutral base and from there I'll be going strawberry blonde, and then! to top it all off I'm cutting off some of my hair. I'm very sad about this because it only feels a short while that I've spent with my long locks, but since they're so damn damaged it wouldn't look good at all and it's hot as hell with my hair on my neck and shoulders. So short hair it is. I've started watching 'Rock of Love', tis ridiculous! And awesome in it's own awful way. I got some peaches at the store and I am now watching Sandra Lee's Semi Homemade, god she's crazy. She's making this ice cream baked potato thing, but it doesn't look nearly as good as the one they had the Cowgirl Hall of Fame in Santa Fe. Anyhoo I think I'm gonna have a peach now. Mmmmmmm.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Like totally.
So I'm about to go to Isabel's to finish up what I started, going blonde. It's been fun having it orange, but since Isabel is all knowing in the ways of bleaching hair its time to go to the next color, so yay! I'm excited. I've been really lazy and slightly down lately though I don't know why, obviously I think the lazy comes from the being kinda sad, ah well, I should snap out of it at some point hopefully. Anthony Bourdain is on right now and I think I'm gonna make some sort of egg sandwich, I love egg.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
So if you've spoken to me recently you'll know that I've fallen head over heels in love with the wonderful folk music comedy duo Flight of the Conchords. With this and the Mighty Boosh it really makes me wish I was a guy with another guy and we did comedy with music involved. But then again, just doing something funny that's already being done usually doesn't work out that well, so I'll just have to come up with my own new form of awesome. Wonder how I'll do that. Hmm, anyways. Today Isabel, Ryan and I went to a barbecue which more consisted of sitting around smoking and drinking beer and occasionally going over to get some guacamole and pineapple than actual barbecue activity, although the drinking part of the barbecue was right on. And we set up a bit of furniture porn, which was fun. It rained a bit throughout and finally we decided that we were really tired and needed a nap, and I needed some fruit in addition to a nap, so they dropped me off and we all proceeded to sleep, with the intention of meeting up later for a party. I, being the party pooper that I am, decided not to go out since I'm still really tired and feeling lumpy and have class tomorrow. Now it's almost 3:30 am and there's an infomercial for Tempur-Pedic on the tv, and I'm too lazy to turn it off. I probably should've just gone to the party since I probably would've been home by now anyways. Oh well, if I had gone out I wouldn't have gotten to....blog. Sad. My room is in a real sad state, so I should take care of that tomorrow. Perhaps. Maybe Monday. My nose is runny and I don't care for it not even one bit, let alone two. Oh, I'm blonde...well almost. I'm more orange in the style of Vitamin C, you know that lady who sang a couple years back, Allison knows, or at least she should because she sings 'Love Will Keep Us Together' in 'Get Over It'. Allison, if you don't, please accept this e-smack over the head. Anyhoo, I think I'm gonna go crawl back into the Arabian tent known as my bed.
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