Halo 3 is awesome first off. Now that that's out there we can move on. Um shit what was the last thing I said. Ok well I'm pretty sure I already told you all that I waited in line at 6am at Wrigely Field for Cubs tickets later to be scalped, I rocked it, I got four. Um not very eventful day yesterday, went to a bar with Ashley and Isabelle called 'Club Foot'. Hah. Isabelle and I went up to Schaumburg to see her brother and he took us to dinner at Macaroni Grill and it was delicious and I think I told you all what I ate. I'm really tired of writing for some random reason. I think I'll just post some pictures. Kisses.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Apple Moose
Halo 3 is awesome first off. Now that that's out there we can move on. Um shit what was the last thing I said. Ok well I'm pretty sure I already told you all that I waited in line at 6am at Wrigely Field for Cubs tickets later to be scalped, I rocked it, I got four. Um not very eventful day yesterday, went to a bar with Ashley and Isabelle called 'Club Foot'. Hah. Isabelle and I went up to Schaumburg to see her brother and he took us to dinner at Macaroni Grill and it was delicious and I think I told you all what I ate. I'm really tired of writing for some random reason. I think I'll just post some pictures. Kisses.
Monday, September 24, 2007
It's been 5 years
And today, at this moment I don't feel a whole lot wiser. I'll post something more later today about actual stuff but right now I feel like just writing about bullshit that's on my mind. I obviously feel like I deal with situations and am more mature about decisions now compared to when I was 17, but then I look around at what I'm doing and wonder if it really is all that different. I still fuck up a lot, I still suffer consequences but those obviously inevitable when you make stupid choices, which I still make every now and then. While I think in my mind that all my mistakes are learning experiences and that I'll be better off for having learned them, it doesn't always feel like everything sticks. Do I drink for several days straight because I don't know any better or because I do and don't care how I'll feel? Do I let certain words out of my mouth in front of certain people because it hasn't hit me by now that those aren't the things you should say in front of someone, or am I self destructive in my relationships with others? I could go on making a stupid list of double sided questions but it wouldn't do any good because for me, the answer is always both. Or at least it feels that way. The lovely girl in the picture below stuffing her face with hummus absolutely saved me Saturday night. We were at a party on a rooftop in an apartment building and everyone was laughing and having a good time and I wanted to be having fun but I just kept finding myself going to edge to smoke cigarettes and look over and out onto the city wondering. I felt almost comatose, as if I was there but not really. I wasn't really sure what I was thinking but I know what I was thinking isn't what I wanted. But the thoughts kept swirling around not leaving me alone. Then Aja came up and asked how I was. And we talked.
Now I'm better, not feeling great or by any means something that can be called good, but better. Thank you to people that see people and care, thank you to my family for being who they are I love you all beyond words.
Now I'm better, not feeling great or by any means something that can be called good, but better. Thank you to people that see people and care, thank you to my family for being who they are I love you all beyond words.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
If people were ants would they wear pants?
So parties last night and that was fun. We had a show last night as well and that went well, yay! But even better, we signed the lease today! Yay yay yay and yay. We might be able to move in Wednesday and all this will probably be known via telephone anyways. I'm not sure what else to say except look at the pretty pictures!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Clear Mayonnaise
I think clear mayonnaise would be fun, if not a little weird. It might be a problem if you're a person that doesn't like a lot of mayo and you're putting it on and you forget how much you've spread on thy sandwich, tricky. As for me, I want a pastry. And my forehead itches. I don't really have much to say at this point, I just wanted to update my blog to encourage updates from others. I want some hot caramel apple cider from Starbucks. Fuck you Starbucks for charming me with your delicious hot apple liquid. And your whipped cream is delicious! Damnit! I want it now! Latah!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
I'm really sorry that I never answer my phone. I'll start carrying my charger around with me as per Allison's request. But I also sometimes don't feel like talking to anyone and I'm sorry that I get like that. Anyways, so we didn't get that apartment up on Irving Park and right now we're waiting to hear back on another one. I'll let everyone know.
Monday, September 10, 2007
So today was good, depending on how tomorrow turns out. Isabelle and I went to the Apartment People and looked at five apartments, and loved the second to last one, so the paper work is processing and hopefully we'll find out tomorrow. Afterwards we went to Julius Meinl for eats. That place is so cute, and got such a nice menu. I wish I'd had my camera with me because the place was just adorable and made Isabelle and I feel fancy, especially compared to how we felt after dashing through the rain after the meal.
Isabelle got a roasted chicken sandwich with a cherry jam I believe and some type of cheese and a bowl of French onion soup and a glass of hot chocolate with whipped cream. I ordered a prosciutto panini with arugula pesto, fresh arugula and fresh mozzarella with a cherry lemonade. So first they bring out the drinks on silver trays. Each drink gets it's own silver tray and is accompanied by a long silver spoon and a small glass of water. The cherry lemonade was delicious and Isabelle's hot chocolate, which came in glass, was so pretty and so tasty. Then the food came and although the size of the sandwiches were smaller than what I'm used to I was not disappointed. It was so good, oh so good, and Isabelle's soup and sandwich were good as well, I just tried the broth but it wasn't bad.
Afterwards we found it to be raining outside and ran as far as our bodies could carry us before resigning to walking the rest of the way to the car. From there we took a little trip to Schaumburg to see Isabelle's dad and pick up some papers she needed from him. I'm happy I finally got to meet this man, he's hilarious in his own sort of way. Him and his wife were putting up drapes when we arrived and it was fun to watch two such petite people doing this together.
Anyhoo from there Isabelle dropped me off at improv group rehearsal/meeting at Katy's place. I hadn't realized how long it had been since I'd seen these people but it's been awhile. Anyways, Katy got us possibly one, two, or three shows at the Gorilla Tango theatre as part of this improv showcase they're doing, so yay, shows. Also I have my first conservatory show at Second City coming this Sunday so yay.
Now, the pictures below. The first are of a small bowl of concord grapes from a gajillion pound bag which Aunt Lydia bestowed upon me. Thank you very much Aunt Lydia, they're delicious. They've got this wonderful way of starting out naturally sweeter than any candy could hope to be and then going distinctly tart a microsecond later. Makes me drool. After that is my European fest, chocolate bar from Sweden and Daim and Volvic water, mmm Eurolicious. Enjoy, and envy me.

Isabelle got a roasted chicken sandwich with a cherry jam I believe and some type of cheese and a bowl of French onion soup and a glass of hot chocolate with whipped cream. I ordered a prosciutto panini with arugula pesto, fresh arugula and fresh mozzarella with a cherry lemonade. So first they bring out the drinks on silver trays. Each drink gets it's own silver tray and is accompanied by a long silver spoon and a small glass of water. The cherry lemonade was delicious and Isabelle's hot chocolate, which came in glass, was so pretty and so tasty. Then the food came and although the size of the sandwiches were smaller than what I'm used to I was not disappointed. It was so good, oh so good, and Isabelle's soup and sandwich were good as well, I just tried the broth but it wasn't bad.
Afterwards we found it to be raining outside and ran as far as our bodies could carry us before resigning to walking the rest of the way to the car. From there we took a little trip to Schaumburg to see Isabelle's dad and pick up some papers she needed from him. I'm happy I finally got to meet this man, he's hilarious in his own sort of way. Him and his wife were putting up drapes when we arrived and it was fun to watch two such petite people doing this together.
Anyhoo from there Isabelle dropped me off at improv group rehearsal/meeting at Katy's place. I hadn't realized how long it had been since I'd seen these people but it's been awhile. Anyways, Katy got us possibly one, two, or three shows at the Gorilla Tango theatre as part of this improv showcase they're doing, so yay, shows. Also I have my first conservatory show at Second City coming this Sunday so yay.
Now, the pictures below. The first are of a small bowl of concord grapes from a gajillion pound bag which Aunt Lydia bestowed upon me. Thank you very much Aunt Lydia, they're delicious. They've got this wonderful way of starting out naturally sweeter than any candy could hope to be and then going distinctly tart a microsecond later. Makes me drool. After that is my European fest, chocolate bar from Sweden and Daim and Volvic water, mmm Eurolicious. Enjoy, and envy me.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Freakazoid and assorted toys
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
What aGout Dad?
Poor Papa, you don't deserve to be feeling all gouty. I wish you were well enough to come down I was really looking forward to seeing you. But rest up and feel better. Watch lots of boring TV like you do and read some Wall Street Journal and fall asleep on the couch while pretending to watch TV and/or read your magazines.
In other news, the other morning Jon and I played Transformers RISK, which some good confusing fun. I've never played Risk before and so just sort of learned the rules as we played. I was Megatron and he was Optimus Prime. The last couple days of Ian's being here was lots of fun and bittersweet, it's such a nice group of people that Isabelle and I have met through him. But as fun as it's been it'll be nice to calm down for a bit as the need to squeeze in every night of hanging out and drinking will no longer be required and kids are starting school. Now I'll have some time to get some cleaning done and catch up on sleep as there has been very little of that over these past couple weeks.
Right now I'm waiting for my hair to dry and waiting till it's time to drive up to Park Ridge to meet up with my beloved family. I feel absolutely drained right now. I didn't get much sleep and just spent most of the night running events through my head trying to work through them. Then at around 7am this awful beeping noise was blasting through the air. I was hoping it was some sort of alarm clock within in the apartment so I could smash the thing. Alas it appears it was some sort of truck hanging out the alley for about 30 minutes. Ughhhhhh, couldn't even myself think.
On top of all that I've got a nice little cough going for me right now. Also, I've noticed lately I've been misspelling a lot of words. And when I see it and go to correct it I know what I'm trying to spell but my brain keeps putting on computer or paper differently several times.
I'm watching Cash in the Attic right now, moving around a half eaten pop-tart on a plate seeing if it appeals to me in different locations and positions. I wish Allison was here to watch the exciting bidding and disappointment of the undersell. I'm super anxious to get on the road and am getting bored waiting around trying to find things to occupy my time because nothing seems to amuse me much right now.
Thanks to Liz and Kit for the wonderful guest blog they did, you guys are welcome to do so again whenever ye please.
Peace Gout
In other news, the other morning Jon and I played Transformers RISK, which some good confusing fun. I've never played Risk before and so just sort of learned the rules as we played. I was Megatron and he was Optimus Prime. The last couple days of Ian's being here was lots of fun and bittersweet, it's such a nice group of people that Isabelle and I have met through him. But as fun as it's been it'll be nice to calm down for a bit as the need to squeeze in every night of hanging out and drinking will no longer be required and kids are starting school. Now I'll have some time to get some cleaning done and catch up on sleep as there has been very little of that over these past couple weeks.
Right now I'm waiting for my hair to dry and waiting till it's time to drive up to Park Ridge to meet up with my beloved family. I feel absolutely drained right now. I didn't get much sleep and just spent most of the night running events through my head trying to work through them. Then at around 7am this awful beeping noise was blasting through the air. I was hoping it was some sort of alarm clock within in the apartment so I could smash the thing. Alas it appears it was some sort of truck hanging out the alley for about 30 minutes. Ughhhhhh, couldn't even myself think.
On top of all that I've got a nice little cough going for me right now. Also, I've noticed lately I've been misspelling a lot of words. And when I see it and go to correct it I know what I'm trying to spell but my brain keeps putting on computer or paper differently several times.
I'm watching Cash in the Attic right now, moving around a half eaten pop-tart on a plate seeing if it appeals to me in different locations and positions. I wish Allison was here to watch the exciting bidding and disappointment of the undersell. I'm super anxious to get on the road and am getting bored waiting around trying to find things to occupy my time because nothing seems to amuse me much right now.
Thanks to Liz and Kit for the wonderful guest blog they did, you guys are welcome to do so again whenever ye please.
Peace Gout
Strange Days
I feel in limbo at the moment. Neither here nor there, and all that bullshit. Last night was Ian's going away party. Ultimate Frisbee was played, I tried, I failed. I'm glad I'll be seeing Liz in a few hours because I don't know where I am right now, and I'm not sure why. I've gotten so used to feeling happy more often than not that when the not happens it totally blindsides me. Not saying that I'd rather be depressed more often just so I'm not so surprised by it, but bleh. I'm totally confused right now. I'm sort of rambling right now. I'd planned to title this blog different, so I'm gonna do another post that's not so...meahhdkllllll.
Monday, September 3, 2007
What does cougar taste like?
Margaret was nice enough to let elizabeth and kit guest blog for her!
Let us set the scene; it is saturday morning really early and our hero (Kit) wearily gets out of bed at 4:45 am. A time that has yet to be utlized in this blog when waking up. He drives down to beautiful Sister bay, and arrives at the fire station. Meanwhile back at maison de Ned our queen (Elizabeth) is suffering from a restless sleep dreaming of grad school. Back at the fire station Kit is loading ears of corn into a trailer that is hitched to a bobcat. He drives said bobcat down the empty streets of Sister Bay, and is spied upon by a shifty eyed swedish chef at Al Johnson's swedish restaurant. The day moves forward the pancake breakfast was a huge success; corn and brats cooking on the grill, dixieland jazz playing, everything was culminating into the big finish of the day, the fireworks show. Kit, Elizabeth, and Ned stood at the marina staring out over the bay excited for the oncoming show. The national anthem sounded from the speakers bringing on the begining of the fireworks. To the horror of everyone the fireworks show was set to patriotic music sung by a barbershop quartet, turning what would have been one of best shows ever seen in door county into a specticle best seen on a tv in an old folks home on pbs.
So Elizabeth and I head out to the bowl to try and drink away the echoes of crap. We both start out with vodka tonics and run into Simon, Sara, Freddie (the swedish chef), and Jeremy at the bar. I finish my drink before Elizabeth and order a jim beam and coke, then I see my friend Freddie surrounded by a cougar hunting party that just roamed off the streets. One of the cougars breaks away from the pride and is clearly intoxicated. She moves over to Elizabeth and I and starts talking about her children and her recent divorce and how she is still on good terms with the father, both of us share knowing looks and are supportive of her then plan our escape. Elizabeth ducks out for the bathroom leaving me to slam my drink so I can use the feeble excuse of going to get another. We then leave Freddie to fend for himself, and head off to Husbys. Husbys is charging at the door so Elizabeth and I duck into the kitchen entrance ala goodfellas I speak some spanish to the guys in the kitchen and walk right into the bar. We nod to the bartender and get are drinks right away to the disapointment of the huddled masses standing at the bar. We listen to the hippie bluegrass jam band and after I get my drink knocked out of my hand we head back to the bowl. We find Freddie still fending off the cougars. Simon is being subjected to the same story we got earlier from the divorcee. We walk up to him and get the nod to go, and hop in his work mini van and get driven home by Sara his sober driving wife. At home I enjoy a excellent braunscweiger sandwich, and Elizabeth settles for turkey. Then we head off to bed, but not after texting Freddie with the question " what does cougar taste like?"
Let us set the scene; it is saturday morning really early and our hero (Kit) wearily gets out of bed at 4:45 am. A time that has yet to be utlized in this blog when waking up. He drives down to beautiful Sister bay, and arrives at the fire station. Meanwhile back at maison de Ned our queen (Elizabeth) is suffering from a restless sleep dreaming of grad school. Back at the fire station Kit is loading ears of corn into a trailer that is hitched to a bobcat. He drives said bobcat down the empty streets of Sister Bay, and is spied upon by a shifty eyed swedish chef at Al Johnson's swedish restaurant. The day moves forward the pancake breakfast was a huge success; corn and brats cooking on the grill, dixieland jazz playing, everything was culminating into the big finish of the day, the fireworks show. Kit, Elizabeth, and Ned stood at the marina staring out over the bay excited for the oncoming show. The national anthem sounded from the speakers bringing on the begining of the fireworks. To the horror of everyone the fireworks show was set to patriotic music sung by a barbershop quartet, turning what would have been one of best shows ever seen in door county into a specticle best seen on a tv in an old folks home on pbs.
So Elizabeth and I head out to the bowl to try and drink away the echoes of crap. We both start out with vodka tonics and run into Simon, Sara, Freddie (the swedish chef), and Jeremy at the bar. I finish my drink before Elizabeth and order a jim beam and coke, then I see my friend Freddie surrounded by a cougar hunting party that just roamed off the streets. One of the cougars breaks away from the pride and is clearly intoxicated. She moves over to Elizabeth and I and starts talking about her children and her recent divorce and how she is still on good terms with the father, both of us share knowing looks and are supportive of her then plan our escape. Elizabeth ducks out for the bathroom leaving me to slam my drink so I can use the feeble excuse of going to get another. We then leave Freddie to fend for himself, and head off to Husbys. Husbys is charging at the door so Elizabeth and I duck into the kitchen entrance ala goodfellas I speak some spanish to the guys in the kitchen and walk right into the bar. We nod to the bartender and get are drinks right away to the disapointment of the huddled masses standing at the bar. We listen to the hippie bluegrass jam band and after I get my drink knocked out of my hand we head back to the bowl. We find Freddie still fending off the cougars. Simon is being subjected to the same story we got earlier from the divorcee. We walk up to him and get the nod to go, and hop in his work mini van and get driven home by Sara his sober driving wife. At home I enjoy a excellent braunscweiger sandwich, and Elizabeth settles for turkey. Then we head off to bed, but not after texting Freddie with the question " what does cougar taste like?"
Saturday, September 1, 2007
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