Thursday, April 30, 2009
What the...
This AT&T commercial was just on and before it ended it tagged on at the end 'Buy Mom Samsung Propel after mail in rebate and get a free Samsung Propel after mail in rebate', wait what? Only one 'after mail in rebate' is necessary, right? Or have I gone stupid?
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Fuck you 'I can't believe it's not butter'
Cause I CAN believe you aren't butter, butter is wonderful, you are not. Fuck you and your holier than thou (or BUTTER IN THIS CASE) attitude. I'm done with you and we never even started, never contact me again, and I especially never want to see you on my tv again.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Let's get married and have kids at 16!!! Our looove is so strong it will be easy
Fucking 90210. I mean I'm all about terrible plot lines but COME ON! Oh really you guys love each other so much you just know you'll feel the same way about each other forever even with the stress of trying to raise a child, finishing high school, and growing up. Really? I hope this crashes and burns so some dumb Adrianna-obsessed 90210 doesn't get any ideas and try to make art become life. Although I'm sure some version of this happens all the time, it's just so frustrating to watch it acted out (badly) on a teen drama. Watching Gossip Girl right before this was a bad idea because it highlights just how terrible this show is. Will I stop watching? Hell to the no. I need to get out more. Are there friends out there that want to be burdened with my presence? No? Ok, well I'll just make some tomato soup and watch The Hills.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Two bloody stumps!
Or actually just one. I was walking outside the mall today and I noticed this guy walking in front of me had this awesome shirt on with owls embroidered on the back, and also his left hand was wrapped in a wet bloody rag with blood dripping from it. When in front of Starbucks he asked some guy if he would go into Starbucks for him to get him a plastic bag and the guy said, 'Sorry dude I'm busy' (he was strolling leisurely) and so bloody hand man said 'FUCK YOU!' and I didn't hear the rest cause I was heading inside, I considered going back to go in and get him a plastic bag, but I don't think Starbucks has plastic bags and then I realized that none of the stores close by would. I hope he found one.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Every time I go out to my car it seems like a thousand different animals scuttle from the area, my car is currently covered tree sap and bird shit, I am warned by Mom about a 'huge lizard' roaming in the area, a damn cricket somehow jumped in my car while I was going 45mph and scared the shit out of me, and just now I heard the familiar howl of a coyote, only it sounded like it was in our backyard. And it's already getting hot as hell.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
So this morning I woke up and thought a oven baked apple pancake sounded really good. I couldn't remember the recipe I'd used before and I found what looked like it and varied it a little bit. Instead of pour the batter over the apples and putting it in the oven right away, first I sprinkled the brown sugar and cinnamon on the melted butter as per usual put the sliced apples on top BUT THEN sprinkled a little more brown sugar and cinnamon on top of the apples and threw some more butter on top of the apples and put it in the oven for about ten minutes. Then I put the batter on top and cooked it for almost thirty minutes and oh it was soooooo good. I also added some vanilla and Patera secret ingredient to the batter, delicious.

Friday, April 17, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
This is what they should do with grapes
I woke up about twenty minutes ago and it was 2:20am, I guess I fell asleep around midnightish, anyhoo I was very hungry and was so happy I picked up some grapes from Fresh and Easy earlier. I wish though there was some way they could make the skins of grapes more delicious to eat. That would be something.
Those are all my thoughts at this hour.
Those are all my thoughts at this hour.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Vacation hangovers are real. I'm considering changing a few things and I'm not sure if it's just from the vacation frenzy or if it's something I should've done long ago to make myself happier in day to day life. Bleh. Apparently there's now a Dr. Pepper Cherry, that's interesting.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Oh Odin
Well Odin is huge, I mean reeeeeal big. Also he is very very cute and very crazy. I got in yesterday and went to Suzy's for the night, we got delicious chinese food and watched True Blood, and I fell asleep very early in the night and tried to stay awake. Woke up around 9 and then Liz called and we decided to go to breakfast. First Suzy and I took Reggie, the adorable part labrador that resides in that residence, for a walk around the block. Liz and Kit pulled up at the end of the walk and got to meet Reggie. Reggie is very cute and very loving and just needs a bit of training and discipline. We went to Ann Sather's and got cinnamon rolls and eggs and potatoes and it was all so very tasty. Then we came and I finally got to see Odin and he is so damn big it surprised me. We took him for a walk in the bitter windy cold and he's very good on walks. So then we figured out dinner, spaghetti and meatballs, strawberry shortcake dessert and they went to the store. So I took a shower, finally, and during the shower Odin got into a pantry and let loose a bag of popcorn kernels and threw around some sprouting potatoes. Silly dog. Anyhoo now I'm just watching Kit play GTA on their humongous tv.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Listen to Ozzy Osbourne
Sooo today was Allison's birthday and we got up early and went to her class, there was a grammar class and I got to participate and apparently I have the passe compose and imparfait still tucked away in my brain somewhere, so yay. And then we went to a restaurant called Breakfast in America and got some delicious burgers and after that we got delicious pastries for Allison's birthday. I think the lady at the shop got annoyed with how much we were getting. After that we went to her Art History class and I was asleep within five minutes but stayed awake for the second half because it was really interesting and funny. Then we went a got a beer and waited for Allison's friends and then went to an absinthe bar and had some absinthe, the bar was hilarious, see the pictures for what I mean by hilarious. And now we're home. Yawn, I get to sleep in tomorrow.

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