Thursday, May 21, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

Attention Suzy

Master of making a room look cute, I need to feel comfy in this room (picture below) that I will have to move into in about two weeks, I hate this room, but because I'm a 23(almost 24) year old loser who has to live with her parents temporarily (and really when is it gonna end, when bevmo gives me a raise? cause they ain't giving raises this year) and wants to feel comfortable in the place she'll be spending most of her time. Any TIPS? (like what the fuck should I do about that awful wall color? please note the color is about ten times more bright, bold, and garish in person)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Enough with the awful commercials

Van Lines (I think?) moving company, I didn't see the whole thing but it doesn't matter since I saw the dumbest part. Some ten year old hanging out the car window (moving to a new place I assume) and you hear his inner dialogue 'I wonder what cheerleaders wear in Florida...', a slight variation on what they wear in every other state you jackass.

Tastiest Gang Ever.

The Hidden Valley Kings of Charlotte, North Carolina. Don't fuck with them or they will dip you in ranch and eat you like youse a carrot or some shit. I <3 'Gangland'.

(Wasn't there a tougher sounding street name or neighborhood they could've named themselves after?)

Update: Ok maybe that was the toughest sounding street name they could find considering that the other street sign in the shot with the Hidden Valley Rd sign is Cinderella Rd. Hehehehe.