Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Larms and things

So, you guys did such a fabulous job that I decided to just pick the winner, cause it's my blog, and so I declare Jon the winner. Congrats Jon, contact me about your winnings. Oh and mom, queens are born, not elected. I love you all. Honorable mention goes to Allison, as well as Lisa and Suzy. On a lighter note, I'm on a diet-ish. The diet is don't give in to every food impulse. It's sweeping the nation.


Anonymous said...

As winner I hearby christen this day National Larm Day - whereapon everyone gets to bask in the glory of my victory over everyone else that tried and failed.

Anonymous said...

Fine. National Larm Day is henceforth March 7th. BUT, I'll have you know that I have been substituting "Larm" for other random words, liberally. SO THERE.

poop head winner face.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, we've ALL been using slang such as "Oh, Margaret and I have just been larming about, watching TV and whatnot."

I like that my computer's spell-check doesn't let me forget that "larming" isn't really a word. Larms. Ha, I just wanted to see it underlined in red once more. I'm all finished now.

Anonymous said...

Ha..I just let out a really long sigh before taking a large bite hand-eaten cake.

These are the moments that make life worth living, friends.

Anonymous said...

SEE? Jon's might be better but we'll get the most milage out of mine. HAH

Anonymous said...

Mine too! Because when I found out he had won, I scowled "LARMS.." in his direction.

I hope you felt it, JON.

Anonymous said...

No one likes a maverick - fall in line you bunch of hippies.