Monday, October 29, 2007
So Friday night we went to a show where our friends' band was playing and then we went to get Jake and went to a couple of parties, first one being broken up, staying at the second awhile and then the last one already over, so we then went to a diner instead and I had half of Jake's patty melt, which was delicious. Jake and I decided that our 'costume' was photo negatives since as you will see in pictures, we were, though we didn't plan it. The next day Jake and I lazed around and then went to Sam's to get beer and Whole Foods to eat. Then we went over to his friend Phil's and Ashley and Isabel joined us and went to a party for awhile and then another, and then we went home. Althought I didn't dress up in costume Saturday Jake thought in my outfit I looked a little like Debbie Gibson so if people asked that's what I said, and at the party two guys asked if I was Debbie Gibson, so that was pretty funny. Ended up sleeping the day away and watching Mr. Show and then I came back home. Here are pictures.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Workin the Corner
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Of feet and food.
Sorry to post about food again but I have to. I'm required by law. By bylaws. Ha! Went to dinner tonight at Lula's (Liz and Kit we should go here sometime you'd love it), and I had fettucine alfredo with pumpkin egg cream, mushrooms, braised duck, pecorino, and brown sugar bread crumbs. Mmm mmmmm mmmmmmm. Then pumpkin pie with maple glaze and whipped cream (fresh whipped cream) for dessert. Oh so good. Here's some pretty pictures to look at. Including one of an ugly house that looks like it belongs in Arizona.

Monday, October 22, 2007
World Peas
So I stumbled across this website and it's lots of fun. I don't have much to report, I'm still swollen and yesterday was unofficially Winona Ryder day as I watched both Beetlejuice and Reality Bites. Good stuff. That's all for now I'll post more when I have more to say and I'll post some pictures at some point.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
In the clutches of crutches

Yes once again I find myself relying on my metal extended appendages. So here goes as to how I came to be this way.
Thursday night while getting ready to go out Isabel and I started in on the 30 pack of Miller High Life, cause we're classy, see? So then we headed over to Paul and Jake's to....well drink some more. So we did and that was fun and I got told I smelled good. Go me! So after getting pretty darn drunk, we headed over to Jewel so they could get some more beer and then we walked to the harbor to hang out on the big slabs of concrete. I was quite drunk at this point. And at the risk of giving too much information I peed in the wild. Sigh. So then on the way back to the apartment, we stopped and I hopped over onto something that wasn't mine and fell on my ankle I think. I think that's how it happened. Anyways, after I hopped and fell I remember thinking 'oowwwwwww' and thought 'hmm something bad happened' I'm not sure how I got back out of the boat, oops, but I did and Jake and Morgan helped me back to the apartment where they set up me in Jake's bed with a bag of ice and Jake brought me a pop tart. I remember falling asleep watching Mr. Show and waking up in an extreme amount of pain. So I quietly sobbed for about five minutes not wanting to wake up Jake. So then Jake helped me down the stairs and all that and I fell asleep after having called Mom to cry. Then I woke up to my phone ringing and it was Liz! Hark! The herald angels sing! But didn't answer it in time so I called her back right away and she was on her way to come tend to me I fell asleep again and when I woke up she was there. I don't know what I did to deserve such a wonderful family but it was obviously something really good because you guys are all great.
So last night when Kit got home we deliberated over what we should eat and we decided upon eggs benedict and hash browns and that was sooooooooo good. We then enjoyed almond roca Italian cream soda for dessert. We watched 'The Science of Sleep' and I'll have to watch it again because I really liked it but I fell asleep at some bits in the beginnning. Damn this couch. Then for breakfast today I had Canadian bacon, fried egg, and pepperjack cheese sandwich on english muffins. And tonight we're having pizza! One with mushrooms and one with pesto instead of tomato sauce mmmmm! The pesto one will be with cheese and cherry tomatoes. That's all for now.
I'm glad I painted my toes because my foot might be nude for a couple more days.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Connect Four
So I just updated myself on my shows, Pushing Daisies was on tonight as well as Dirty Sexy Money, and I watched a Heroes episode in between then I watched 30 Rock and The Office and then another Heroes episode. Good now I feel updated and like I can move through the week more efficiently. On a heavier note, I didn't work out tonight because it was raining quite heavily and I didn't feel like driving through such heavy rain or walk through it, sorry Mom, I'll be doing lots of heavy lifting and heavy drinking/partying/dancing? tomorrow. Why you ask? Because it is Quennect4's anniversary party, or at least that's what I think it is. Anyways every other Thursday we go to this art gallery open mic thing where they have dollar beer and fun stuff and it's called Quennect4 and this Thursday (aka Taday) they're having it at Subterranean, a hip night club that I have been to and blogged about once before. The kicker is that because it's in a such a more "upscale" venue they've tacked on an $8 admission fee as opposed to the usual $3 or 3 canned foods deal they have at their gallery. Sliiightly pisses me off and I kinda don't wanna go just cause of that, but I know I will go because hey, it's a party. Oooh Airplane! is on right now. Nice.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
I reads and writes reals wells.
So I finally started reading the Golden Compass and I'm really enjoying it so far. I read the first 30 pages or so last night before I went to sleep and had dreams about it, but I can't remember exactly what happened. Then I woke up this morning and before emerging from bed I read for about an hour and that's when I really got into it. So hooray for reading again, and not a book I've read before. I went down to Half & Half, the coffee shop that my friend Ashley works at, and hung out there for a couple hours talking with people and sippin on a vanilla almond steamer and a caesar chicken wrap, that was pretty good. And now I'm back and quite tired for some reason. I might go read some more in a bit. Oh last night Isabel and I watched this awful movie called 'Pumpkinhead' about back country folk and city folk who come to hang out at a cabin and kill this guy's kid in a motorcycle accident so the father gets pissed and summons this demon known as Pumpkinhead to take revenge on the city folk, blah blah blah he feels remorseful and ends up saving the day.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Whew. Fall fest is best with a Backman. I don't know that I have the strength to write about everything, and really it would be kinda boring if I did write about everything because it would just be and then I drank some more beer.
So I woke up Friday morning and drove Jake downtown to work since he was gonna be late and he had a meeting to get to. After that I headed home and packed a bag and Simon and I roused Isabel and left. Isabel slept in the car, and Simon and I had fun talking stupid the entire way up. When we got up there Frank was there, aw, and of course Liz and Kit, it would've been weird if Frank was there but no one else. We played with Frank for awhile and we watched Jurassic Park, and then we were off to the bars. We went the Sister Bay Bowl and spent a good hour or so or more (who knows) there and then crossed the cold street to Husby's where Margaret knocked over many drinks (two), so because I was already very very drunk we went home and made bagels, I had a bagel with cream cheese, cherry jam, and bacon, it was so good. Then I had slept some good sleeps. Simon and I woke up at 9:30 and went to Al Johnson's for breakfast. Simon got Swedish pancakes with strawberries and I got a Monte Cristo with fried potatoes. Then Simon and I watched the parade and there was a sign welcoming Diane Keaton to Door County, though we never saw her. Sad. We then met up with Liz, Kit and Isabel and started drinking and eating. I'll just say I drank about 3 yards of beer in under 3 hours. The most amusing part was me spilling on myself and walking up to the pumpkin pie in a cup table and being told they were out and would be back in 15 minutes so I drunkenly slurred back 'Cool...then I will be back in 15 minutes'.
Simon, Isabel, and I then walked home and ate and I took a five minute nap. Then later Simon, Liz, Kit and I went out to the Bowl again and drank up a little storm. That was fun. Then the next day Simon and I woke up around 9ish again and went to the Sandpiper for breakfast, we both got the Hungry Man breakfast (2 pancakes, 2 eggs, meat, and potatoes) that was deeeelish. We then went and met Liz and Kit downtown and we hung around for the Ping Pong ball drop which was hilarious. Simon and I wrote things like douchebag, pewpies, and drew penises on ping pong balls and threw them into the crowd while the helicopter went over. Then Paul needed help at Moretti's so we all worked for about an hour and were paid in free foodz, mmmm. Then we went home and closed up the cabin and like 6 hours later we were back in the Chicago. Yawn.
Check out the Fall Down Fest picture folder on my Myspace, and the videos on my Myspace. Too much to post on here.
So I woke up Friday morning and drove Jake downtown to work since he was gonna be late and he had a meeting to get to. After that I headed home and packed a bag and Simon and I roused Isabel and left. Isabel slept in the car, and Simon and I had fun talking stupid the entire way up. When we got up there Frank was there, aw, and of course Liz and Kit, it would've been weird if Frank was there but no one else. We played with Frank for awhile and we watched Jurassic Park, and then we were off to the bars. We went the Sister Bay Bowl and spent a good hour or so or more (who knows) there and then crossed the cold street to Husby's where Margaret knocked over many drinks (two), so because I was already very very drunk we went home and made bagels, I had a bagel with cream cheese, cherry jam, and bacon, it was so good. Then I had slept some good sleeps. Simon and I woke up at 9:30 and went to Al Johnson's for breakfast. Simon got Swedish pancakes with strawberries and I got a Monte Cristo with fried potatoes. Then Simon and I watched the parade and there was a sign welcoming Diane Keaton to Door County, though we never saw her. Sad. We then met up with Liz, Kit and Isabel and started drinking and eating. I'll just say I drank about 3 yards of beer in under 3 hours. The most amusing part was me spilling on myself and walking up to the pumpkin pie in a cup table and being told they were out and would be back in 15 minutes so I drunkenly slurred back 'Cool...then I will be back in 15 minutes'.
Simon, Isabel, and I then walked home and ate and I took a five minute nap. Then later Simon, Liz, Kit and I went out to the Bowl again and drank up a little storm. That was fun. Then the next day Simon and I woke up around 9ish again and went to the Sandpiper for breakfast, we both got the Hungry Man breakfast (2 pancakes, 2 eggs, meat, and potatoes) that was deeeelish. We then went and met Liz and Kit downtown and we hung around for the Ping Pong ball drop which was hilarious. Simon and I wrote things like douchebag, pewpies, and drew penises on ping pong balls and threw them into the crowd while the helicopter went over. Then Paul needed help at Moretti's so we all worked for about an hour and were paid in free foodz, mmmm. Then we went home and closed up the cabin and like 6 hours later we were back in the Chicago. Yawn.
Check out the Fall Down Fest picture folder on my Myspace, and the videos on my Myspace. Too much to post on here.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
I was just in training for grown up food
So apparently it ain't my fault I was a picky eater, so says the New York Times (El Daily News, that was for you Allison). Don't have much to say right now just that, I'll post later with what I did last night (hint: it was fun).
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Ain't no party like a Monday night party
Or not. We went to Quennect4 which is this art gallery place we go to every other Thursday for open mic night, and last night people were going there to drink. So like sheep in tight pants we went as well. It was fun, there was a swing, there was beer, there was some rum, and there was darts. All in all a pretty good evening but nothing much to report, so I'll post some pictures so they can do my talking for me.
Oh I played darts! I was pretty alright, I think, well in the way that I think what qualifies a good dart player.

Oh I played darts! I was pretty alright, I think, well in the way that I think what qualifies a good dart player.
Alright so first I'm gonna do a food post and then a last night post. So to food, I've been wanting to make this recipe for quite awhile now, talk about it to everyone, and now that I have the ramekins, the means, and the motivation I finally did it! It is so delicious! It has a nice crisp texture on the outside and then on the inside it's sort of bread pudding like. Then once you get to the bottom and all the sugaryness has caramlized it takes on a flan like flavor, oh so good. I'll make this for breakfast when I come home for Thanksgiving. I changed up the recipe a little bit, instead of maple syrup I used honey creme syrup and added a dash nutmeg and cinnamon and used the lovely vanilla bean paste. Mmmmm..mmmm...mmm. Enjoy the pictures. Oh! Also could we make this for dinner sometime? Mmmm.

Monday, October 8, 2007
A further explanation
So for brunch I got the grilled cheese omelette. It was a three cheese omelette, fontina, feta and...something else, atop a grilled piece of bread, placed next to a green bean salad and fried potatoes. Mmmmm, it was really good and I actually ate the green beans. Isabelle got the caramel apple french toast with whipped cream and chicken sausage. That was quite delicious Jake and I ended up eating more of it than Isabelle did. It had a hint of lemon and that really made it for me. Jake got a spinach, bacon and cheese omelette and Paul got...oh portabella mushroom and fontina omelette, I stole his mushrooms, they were good. This was in Andersonville and I would definitely go back. They also looked like they had a nice lunch selection and a selection of baked yummies in a bakery display case at the register. Isabelle and I just got back from walking around Wicker Park and getting $2 slices of New York style pizza at Santullo's (happy hour for pizza, that's awesome for me), it was good and greasy. We cleaned up the apartment previous to that, I did dishes and we took out the trash. V. exciting. Anyhoo I'm gonna rest up for tonight, not sure what tonight is but I think I'll need resting for it.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
I'm in Heaven

No I'm not dead. Just went to a delicious restaurant called A Taste of Heaven. So last we went to the beach and drank up a storm and went in the water a bit, since it's probably like the last chance we'll get to go in the water. It was freezing but wonderful. Then after we woke up Jake and I tried to watch 'Jules and Jim' but the dvd was scratched so then we tried to watch 'Masculin féminin' and then we were interrupted by hunger so went to the place mentioned previously.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
What goes to the gym?
Margaret goes to the gym! Yes for all of you (Mom) that have been wondering, how come I don't hear about Margaret going to the gym as much anymore, it's because I hadn't been going as much anymore, but those dark days are over. I will soon be back in fighting form for...going to the gym more and more. And walking without falling over. Yes those are the reasons I go. Anyhoo after that I was walking back and called Mom. Mom you'll recall our conversation, and then Suzy called and we had a nice little chat and she's probably gonna come out with us tonight to the open mic night/drinking extravaganza we attend every other Thursday. In other news, I love Sam, I love Allison, I love Liz, I love Dad, I love Mom, I love Lisa, I love Jon, I love Zeke, I love Suzy, I love Kit, I love Isabel, maybe some others. Oh endorphins work thy magyk. Anyhoo, I'm willing Isabel to wake up now because its almost 4 and I want to listen to my music a little louder.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
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