Yes once again I find myself relying on my metal extended appendages. So here goes as to how I came to be this way.
Thursday night while getting ready to go out Isabel and I started in on the 30 pack of Miller High Life, cause we're classy, see? So then we headed over to Paul and Jake's to....well drink some more. So we did and that was fun and I got told I smelled good. Go me! So after getting pretty darn drunk, we headed over to Jewel so they could get some more beer and then we walked to the harbor to hang out on the big slabs of concrete. I was quite drunk at this point. And at the risk of giving too much information I peed in the wild. Sigh. So then on the way back to the apartment, we stopped and I hopped over onto something that wasn't mine and fell on my ankle I think. I think that's how it happened. Anyways, after I hopped and fell I remember thinking 'oowwwwwww' and thought 'hmm something bad happened' I'm not sure how I got back out of the boat, oops, but I did and Jake and Morgan helped me back to the apartment where they set up me in Jake's bed with a bag of ice and Jake brought me a pop tart. I remember falling asleep watching Mr. Show and waking up in an extreme amount of pain. So I quietly sobbed for about five minutes not wanting to wake up Jake. So then Jake helped me down the stairs and all that and I fell asleep after having called Mom to cry. Then I woke up to my phone ringing and it was Liz! Hark! The herald angels sing! But didn't answer it in time so I called her back right away and she was on her way to come tend to me I fell asleep again and when I woke up she was there. I don't know what I did to deserve such a wonderful family but it was obviously something really good because you guys are all great.
So last night when Kit got home we deliberated over what we should eat and we decided upon eggs benedict and hash browns and that was sooooooooo good. We then enjoyed almond roca Italian cream soda for dessert. We watched 'The Science of Sleep' and I'll have to watch it again because I really liked it but I fell asleep at some bits in the beginnning. Damn this couch. Then for breakfast today I had Canadian bacon, fried egg, and pepperjack cheese sandwich on english muffins. And tonight we're having pizza! One with mushrooms and one with pesto instead of tomato sauce mmmmm! The pesto one will be with cheese and cherry tomatoes. That's all for now.
I'm glad I painted my toes because my foot might be nude for a couple more days.
I want to twist my ankle so that I get all that nice food. I can't remember the last time I ate, but that's my fault, I guess
Aren't you glad Liz and Kit are there to nurse Nancy you? wow, what treatment! But again with the food! I'm hungry!
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