Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Xmas ya'll
I am tired. Today was by far the craziest day at BevMo! We made $73,000 which is a lot especially since we had shorter hours. But now I'm home and just had an amazing dinner of filet mignon with mushrooms and good sauce and potatoes au gratin. And chocolate souffle with creme anglaise is coming. The Yule Log is on the tv with radio plays playing instead of christmas music. Kinda weird. I could fall asleep now, but I won't. I'm just so tired and need to draw some comics at some point before I forget the subject matter. Anyhoo Suzy hope your christmas is wonderful, I miss you and can't wait to seeeeeeeee you. I'm gonna lie down.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Part 2
He crept slowly toward the ICEE haven and wondered if he should wait for the family to leave or just go for it.
He woke up in a daze, feeling like he was looking through red tinted glasses he glanced around the cave. Bewilderment took him over. What happened? He saw numerous large ICEE cups strewn about along with several pairs of children’s socks. Those socks, it was all coming back to him now. He had decided to enter the 7-Eleven with an overbearing sweetness. He walked on his toes as if he was avoiding stepping on snails. Making his way towards the ICEE machine he pretended to have a hat and took it off and bowed towards the sales clerk. Tip-toeing towards bliss he noticed children stood in his way. They had already filled their cups but were drinking them quickly and kept going back for more. “If the apocalypse came today would you be ready?” the bear asked the children. At this, they stared at him, sticky sweetness dripping from their faces. “Would you?” asked the oldest. The bear hadn’t expected this. Alarmed but trying to stay calm, he said, “Well I would if only I had some shoes.” Looking down at the children’s feet, he said “Yours will do!” Then quicker than any bear he swiped their shoes and their ICEES and made his way out the way he came in, making sure to bow his head to the clerk as he left, to which the clerk just shook his head.
He woke up in a daze, feeling like he was looking through red tinted glasses he glanced around the cave. Bewilderment took him over. What happened? He saw numerous large ICEE cups strewn about along with several pairs of children’s socks. Those socks, it was all coming back to him now. He had decided to enter the 7-Eleven with an overbearing sweetness. He walked on his toes as if he was avoiding stepping on snails. Making his way towards the ICEE machine he pretended to have a hat and took it off and bowed towards the sales clerk. Tip-toeing towards bliss he noticed children stood in his way. They had already filled their cups but were drinking them quickly and kept going back for more. “If the apocalypse came today would you be ready?” the bear asked the children. At this, they stared at him, sticky sweetness dripping from their faces. “Would you?” asked the oldest. The bear hadn’t expected this. Alarmed but trying to stay calm, he said, “Well I would if only I had some shoes.” Looking down at the children’s feet, he said “Yours will do!” Then quicker than any bear he swiped their shoes and their ICEES and made his way out the way he came in, making sure to bow his head to the clerk as he left, to which the clerk just shook his head.
Part 1
The bear hurried down the mountain hungering for more than hikers. He stopped at the pavement and sniffed the air. What he sought was nearby. He started scampering across the road, looking both ways to watch for oncoming traffic and head down the side of the road heading east. Coming around the bend his pace slowed as the 7-Eleven came into sight. His anticipation had him breathing hard and fast. “Calm yourself old bear or they’ll never let you in.” No one wants a wheezing bear in their stores, frightens potential customers away. He walked the rest of the way so he could catch his breath and maybe sneak in undetected. When he was but 20 feet from his destination, an RV pulled into the parking and four kids popped out with their parents. “WE WANT ICEES! WE WANT ICEES!” the children were chanting. Hearing this sent the bear into a state of panic, he wanted ICEES as well. What if there weren’t enough? A bear can consume a lot, but kids can be downright greedy, he didn’t want to have to attack the children for theirs. Though, he was of course prepared to do so, if that’s what it came to. This wasn’t his first time at the rodeo, or the 7-Eleven in this case.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Fright Night at BevMo!

So there's been stories of spooky happenings at BevMo. So the store is haunted. Tonight Jen and I were the only ones in the store, and this store is huge. We were walking to the front from the break room after clocking out and we heard a bang in the middle of the store and there was nothing there! DUN DUN DUN! And we both looked at each other and said 'Did you hear that?'. Confirmed that we both heard it, and we walked hurriedly next to the each other the entire time to set the alarm. When we got to the manager booth we heard another noise farther back and decided to get out of there. We caught our breath outside and hoped that it wasn't just a lost customer in the very back that neither of us had seen during the hour that'd we'd been closing. But since we both went to the back several times and the doors were locked it's not likely. SPOOKY!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Never Gonna Give You Up
There's something weird and slightly hard in my hair. Ugh price tag. I did so much work today it's ridiculous. I'm tired, sick, and hungry but not. And unwashed. Must shower before 8 am tomorrow because corporate bigwigs are coming when the store opens at 9 and uggggggghhhhhhh I need to look good..ish. My tire is losing air and I need it filled. Might have to wash these dirty pants. And get enough sleep unlike last night. It's all so overwhelming I felt like crying all day at work. And wanting to cry and wanting to murder an incompetent coworker at the same time is a very odd feeling. Well I'm gonna publish this and come out. I'll post some new comics either tonight or tomorrow whenever I feel like not dying.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
So here it is...
...the special post. So no more calling me asshole, asshole. So this is what I spend some days doing at work. These are all customer inspired drawerings I've done and put up for everyone to enjoy. I'll try to do more, just gotta wait for the inspiration in the form of ridiculous customers. Let me know what ya'll think of mah pikchers. Oh yeah and here's some pictures from a play day at the park.

Actually we heard you were coming and put that there cause we hate you.

(that would be a knocked over display of wine, liquor, whatever customers walk into)
'That's dangerous to have that there, whoever put that there should've known that I would be walking there and put it in the space next to it. It's not my fault, my legs knocked it over, not me! You should tell your manager how dangerous it is to have something where I plan on walking.
Oh and do you have this great, I think it was wine, that I had in this hilltop cafe in some country I can't remember the name of?'
Because you'll just come and eat it all.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
What's happenin?
That's what I realized I should have named the previous post. And Suzy for your information it's not that I don't like his movies, for the most part I do enjoy them very much, but seriously? Have you seen this one? And also I think the man himself is kind of a tool, but I could watch 'Signs' for days. Anyways, I hated today, it was officially idiot day when and ugggh there were so many. But onward, I'm watching a show about...nature. Penguins were being eaten but they also showed one getting away so that's good. There was some meatloaf and biscuits waiting for me when I got off so I ate that. Now there are scary noises! I watched 'Me Without You' last night and everyone is so pretty in it. I wanna go to the fair soon. Anyhoo. I don't have any clothes for cold weather, which is now is. So I'm gonna go try to still enjoy the cool weather without getting sad over the fact that I have nothing to wear and nothing to buy some new clothes with.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Day for Night....
So I actually enjoyed 'Signs' and 'The Sixth Sense', 'Unbreakable' was...I dunno good to watch when it's on tv, and 'The Village' is beyond great. I haven't seen *whisper* 'Laaaady in the Waaaaterrr' yet but it'll be the next movie I rent just to see if it was as ehhhhhh as 'The Happenin'. No real twist! That's my complaint! The twist is revealed in the middle of the movie of basically and they just confirm it at the end. I do walk away with two wonderful things, making scary wind sounds and...'You eyein' my lemon drink??', which I'm gonna try to work into every conversation. Oh he's so annoying. M. Night Shyamalan you can go suck a fuck.
So I actually enjoyed 'Signs' and 'The Sixth Sense', 'Unbreakable' was...I dunno good to watch when it's on tv, and 'The Village' is beyond great. I haven't seen *whisper* 'Laaaady in the Waaaaterrr' yet but it'll be the next movie I rent just to see if it was as ehhhhhh as 'The Happenin'. No real twist! That's my complaint! The twist is revealed in the middle of the movie of basically and they just confirm it at the end. I do walk away with two wonderful things, making scary wind sounds and...'You eyein' my lemon drink??', which I'm gonna try to work into every conversation. Oh he's so annoying. M. Night Shyamalan you can go suck a fuck.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Why is Perez Hilton trying to look like Pete Wentz? He shouldn't be straight ironing his hair against his head it just accentuates how big and fat it is. Anyways....Gossip Girl time.
Friday, September 19, 2008
God's Farm
Allison, Andrew and I played Mad Libs (or Wacky Web Tales) for about an hour on Wednesday, I laughed reeeal hard. I accidentally spoke with a southern twang several times at work today, it was odd. And uggggh my next day off is Tuesday. They're working this dog too hard, I'm not a circus bear. I'm so tired, still. I'm always tired these days. I never feel like I get enough sleep. Andrew and I watched Nim's Island last night, which was actually pretty cute. Gonna watch Breakfast on Pluto tonight and we've been watching the first season of Curb Your Enthusiasm. I'm just woof I dunno not very happy, and I dunno. Andrew almost died. I'm being melodramatic, he could have died if his bacterial ear infection ruptured ear drum bleeding in head thing didn't get treatment. I miss you Suzy, I think I'm gonna fall asleep soon. Which means I have to leave Allisons, which sucks. Anyhoo, I'll blog again soon.
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sorry, that's what the theatre bitch on 90210 was singing reallly loudly. Brownies I smell. I'M SO TIRED. I'm taking an antibiotic and they makes me tired. Like goofy muscle relaxer tired. I'm loving this new 90210, it could be a little more over the top but oh well. I also like the new show 'Priveledged' and of course Gossip Girl is great. Now I just need to remember when all my other shows starts so I can record them. Today at work someone made me feel bad for having a day off yesterday for apparently no reason, since it was crazy busy at work I shouldn't have requested the day I guess because you know work is my life and ugggggh. Whatevs, I'm over it. I'm just glad the work day is over and I get to eat some brownies soon and be tired and sleepy and sleep in tomorrow. Ugggggh I don't know what to say I feel like my life is so boring and unblogworthy now. I miss Suzy terrible, yes, you Suzy. Im not drinking this week because of the antibiotics, but it's good cause Andrew is not drinking with me. So because I am boring here's some pictures.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
We're watching 'Freaky Friday', and oh I just love this movie, it's just...yeah. We had ribs and mac'n'cheese, which was yummy. I wish I had my camera with my camera with me but I think we lost it at Allison's last night. Allison and her roommates were trying to finish off what was left of their old stock of liquor, so I had a couple shots and I dunno. Andrew got naked and jumped in the kiddie pool, like he does. Then we went home. Allison had her first hangover, she was very sick all day. Then we watched the 'lympics, I love the 'lympics. We watched the qualifying for women's gymnastics, and put better music on during the floor routines. It was good. Hehehe I love this movie. Andrew wishes we could watch it in slow motion so we could enjoy it longer. Anyhoooo. Byefornow. Oh, and we wanna start a commercials only channel.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Stuff White People Like
I have some bite marks on me from one of the cutest puppies that ever roamed the earth. This week is getting exciting, we went to the Coyote Roadhouse tonight for dinner which was delicious. We got a fried onion loaf and cheese curds, then I got ribs which were good and I still have some left over. Liz wrote her vows tonight, and vowed to dye my roots tonight but she has broken that one. Bad habit to start Liz, keep a watchful eye Kit. I'm currently rockin' a gangsta look according to Josh because of the hoodie he lent me. 4rdaew. Good contribution Allidoxd...
ugh...I'm ddund
ugh...I'm ddund
Friday, June 13, 2008
In better news, BevMo called me and asked if I was still interested in working for them, I told them they could pay me in beer. And uhhh yeah I'll be heading to Chicago tomorrow. ODIN! I'm very weak feeling, hungry and slightly hungover. I'm very excited about this coming week though. Oh I'm so hungry, I wish I had some cheese curds, can we go out to dinner sunday so I can get some cheese curds? Puhweeeease? I feel like I'm dying from heatstroke. So I'm gonna eat something.
no more tastespotting is still very upsetting to me.
In better news, BevMo called me and asked if I was still interested in working for them, I told them they could pay me in beer. And uhhh yeah I'll be heading to Chicago tomorrow. ODIN! I'm very weak feeling, hungry and slightly hungover. I'm very excited about this coming week though. Oh I'm so hungry, I wish I had some cheese curds, can we go out to dinner sunday so I can get some cheese curds? Puhweeeease? I feel like I'm dying from heatstroke. So I'm gonna eat something.
no more tastespotting is still very upsetting to me.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Jon, this one's for you
I'm not necessarily dying without constant internet access. But it does keep me from keeping in contact with one of my favorite people on the planet, Jon, that's you. Everyone else I can call, or they can call me. Anyhoo, it's my fucking birthday. Or birfday. I'm watching 'Men in Black' chugging a beer sitting between Allison and Andrews, my two A's. I can smell my cake I can see my presents. And it's way too hot. I want a dog. I miss Zeke, especially today, it's just not a proper birthday without Zeke being Zeke. Stupid dog food commercials reminding me how much I miss him. Woof, I don't really care for this beer. I wish I had more to say, I wish I had pictures to post. But I don't. Anyways, I'll try to post more often.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Sleeping Bears and Dirty Dogs
So still no internet or anything like that and I keep forgetting to bring...uh stuff that holds pictures to the house to put them on someone's computer so I can post them and all that. I'm a scatterbrain. I had a job interview tuhday. So fingers crossed. I'm getting a tan, sort of. And the apartment is starting to look better. Andrew remains wonderful. I saw Cory over the weekend so it was great to see her again. I wish I had more to report. It's hot here. Gas prices are SOARING. Allison made a delicious dutch cookie. Oh! Andrew and I watched 'Step Up' and I actually quite enjoyed it. And now 'Heartbreakers' is on. Later dude.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Hi! Whats up
So I'm sorry I haven't bloggggggged in forever but I don't have the internet at my new place so I have to depend on the goodwill of my family members and their connection. Ummmmmmmm last weekend Andrew and I went to Payson to dogsit for his dad, it Payson is clean. I read the paper. The newspaper. Andrew's friends are awesome and it's good fun hanging out with Andrew pretty much every damn day. He's sitting next to me right now looking lke his wonderful self. And the whole family, minus Liz and Kit, plus Jack, are here. Ribs, mac and cheese, and apple pie. Ummmm as soon as I get the internet I'll do a post with a huge shitload of pictures. Andrew drank all my Gatorade. Laura Tams and I have decided to be friends since she told all her other ones to fuck off, so yay, new friend. I wish they'd make a new Tomb Raider. The one for 360 was really fun and I was able to complete it in a couple days, pretty cool. Ok I'm done, I'll do something more interesting hopefully in a couple days.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Andrew and Margaret blog together
So, Andrew and I are typing with one hand each. The boy is failing, and I am winning at life.
Alternative version:
So, Andrew and I are typing with one hand each. The boy is awesome, and I am failing at life.
Alternative version:
So, Andrew and I are typing with one hand each. The boy is awesome, and I am failing at life.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Review: Mayonnaise
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Should be fun.
Well I'm sitting here watching 'Erin Brockovich' looking like I went out last night but I didn't, but I am tonight, there is a dance party. I'm also planning my route right now. And unless Lisa has HUGE objections, we are gonna stop in Tulsa the first night, I'm saying fuck the curse of Oklahoma bad shit happens if you let it happen. So we WILL drive through Oklahoma. From Tulsa we're gonna go to allll the way to Gallup or some shit near there. So that way Saturday we can stroll into Phoenix in the afternoon. The first two days might be kinda rough but it'll be extremely worth it. Oh which reminds me I need to start burning cd's. The trip would be hell without those, but not really because Lisa and I could just make up songs the entire way and dance our way through the states. But I really would prefer music. Ok well I'm gonna do that now, I've got my work cut out for me. I haven't even started putting music in the proper folders. I don't know if I'm even gonna bother with song order.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Review: Porn
These popped up around the house the other day, thank you Ian. It's porn, framed. The first girl has one leg up on a jukebox and is wearing only heels and thigh highs. Her hair and make up looks really 80's. Her eye make up is kinda fun, but she looks like she lacks a chin. Shes also in front of some sort of houseplant.
The second girl is blondish and I actually like her hair. Apparently she just got or is about to get married because she is dressed in white lacy thigh highs with garters and a white lace garter belt. She's wearing a very ugly necklace and is sitting on a white armchair. Her nipples seem kinda big. She's on the tv so it feels like her vagina is always looking at me while I watch tv.
Review: Ian and Isabelle/Polaroid/Photobooths
Ian and Isabelle are fun people, they can both get a little moody sometimes but their bark is worse than their bite. They are extremely, some might say, overly, affectionate towards each other. But I will miss them.
Polaroid cameras are very fun and they're no longer making the film for it, that makes me sad. Oh well.
Photobooths are awesome, I like to use them whenever I see one and have the money required. I love photobooths in bars, because the process of cramping into the little booth is much more fun when drunk.
Review: Edy's/Dreyer's Cheesecake Diva American Idol Slow Churned
I felt like an idiot buying this thanks to the American Idol theme. Thanks. However it was really delicious. The ice cream was smooth and creamy, and the taste of cheesecake was one of the better ones to come out of a store bought ice cream. Lovely little chunks of brownies and fudge swirls make me smile. I would buy this again despite the stupid theme and coloring, I hate that. In case you can't tell, that's a microphone masquerading as an ice cream cone. Wannabe.
Review: Parliament Cigarettes
Review: Bleu Cheese
This one is from a couple nights ago, Ian and Isabelle went out to dinner and brought home lots of food. Among the things I tasted was a bleu cheese, which I normally would turn down but I figured why not? Jon and I tasted it at the same time and both had the same reaction. We liked it...sort of. The taste was the most intense thing I've ever had in my mouth. We were so dumbfounded by the power of this cheese's power we felt like we were high on the cheese. The taste lingered for about an hour and a half. While I'm not gonna jump out my window to go try more bleu cheese, I wouldn't turn it down.
Review: Raptor Bacon
Don't I wish. It was actually Turkey bacon, but when you think of raptors keep birds in mind, look at the pubic bone, shaped just like a bird, and the word raptor even means 'bird of prey'. Try to imagine yourself in the Cretaceous Period. You get your first look at this "six foot turkey" as you enter a clearing. He moves like a bird, lightly, bobbing his head. And you keep still because you think that maybe his visual acuity is based on movement like T-Rex, he'll lose you if you don't move. But no, not Velociraptor. You stare at him, and he just stares right back. Now, back to the raptor bacon. I had to giggle because it looks like a dog chew toy or Beggin' Strips, because of the way they place colors in certain area to make it look like real bacon. I couldn't tell when it was supposed to be done, I waited till it sort of resembled real bacon, or at least what bacon bits would look like all put together. I put it on a bagel with egg and cheese so I can't tell you exactly how good it is, but it was pretty decent, it's obviously not as good as pig bacon, but because it's so cheap I will continue using it on sandwiches and the like, but probably would not eat by itself.
Review: Onion and Chive Dream Cheese
Review: Diet Cherry Chocolate Covered Ass
Well I guess you could say I'm disappointed. I had high hopes for this one, thinking maybe this will replace my regular soda, I mean it's clearly intended to taste like some insane sugar rush. While it does have a cherry chocolate taste IMPLIED, it tastes like diet still. That doesn't mean I won't be drinking it, because it does satisfy a base cola need. Whatever, maybe I'll love it by the time I'm done.
Review day!
I'll be posting reviews, if I don't finish them all today then 'Review Day' shall be extended into tomorrow. Ahem.
Monday, March 10, 2008
50% non-French music.
I'm so excited to see Lisa in less than one week now! Wooooooo. And then we be driving. I'm so excited to see everyone again. Um, oh I burned myself on the toaster today. Twas my knuckled, it turned bright yellow immediately. So ummmm god you guys I have nothing interesting to say lately, but if you could hear the voice that I'm like saying all of this in, you would totally be laughing! (Suzy knows what voice this is.) Ugh Josh, Suzy, and I are watching 'Sex and the City' and we're talking about how disgusted we are with ourselves for knowing that we're gonna go see the fucking movie. OH god, am I really gonna do this to myself? I just screamed at the tv calling Carrie a 'hateful whore', why do I like this show? Wah wah wahhhhhh Carrie, EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU!!!! Ugh. Uh oh the gruesome twosome is home, aka, Isasmell and Ian. Oh. Isabelle is 27. The house is too full of people, at least it's very clean. And um I dunno, I need to start packing and I want to cry because I just don't see how it's all gonna fit. I probably will cry. Because I'm that way. Anyhoo. Bye.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
This Volcano Is Deep
I'm watching 'Volcano', and two really cheesy awful moments stuck out. Tommy Lee Jones' daughter is playing rock, paper, scissor with these kids and this dumb kid says I'm lava! What beats lava?' and Gaby Hoffman, looks down grimly, and says, 'My dad. I hope...'
Wow what a moment. Next up, it's the end of the movie and everyone is covered in ash from the volcano climaxing and whatnot, and the same boy who foolishly proclaimed himself lava, so poetically points out to an adult who was obviously too jaded to notice that 'all the people...they look the same, we're all the same.' And it shows everyone looking like they're in blackface. I think the message is no matter what color your skin is, we're all a little bit racist. Ooh...'Troy' is on.
Wow what a moment. Next up, it's the end of the movie and everyone is covered in ash from the volcano climaxing and whatnot, and the same boy who foolishly proclaimed himself lava, so poetically points out to an adult who was obviously too jaded to notice that 'all the people...they look the same, we're all the same.' And it shows everyone looking like they're in blackface. I think the message is no matter what color your skin is, we're all a little bit racist. Ooh...'Troy' is on.
Friday, March 7, 2008
You wanna put what in my butt?
So Q4 was fun last night, Sugarfoot and Ian and the Astrophysicists were really enjoyable. And when I got home it was so wonderful to finally sleep. And then I woke up and went to Liz's dress fitting. She's so purdy. Now I'm back, and I've nothing else to say. What a pointless post.
So Q4 was fun last night, Sugarfoot and Ian and the Astrophysicists were really enjoyable. And when I got home it was so wonderful to finally sleep. And then I woke up and went to Liz's dress fitting. She's so purdy. Now I'm back, and I've nothing else to say. What a pointless post.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Never Take The King's Last Pepsi
So today was really fun, and tiring. I didn't get any sleep last night. But I did it. Almost 12 hours being responsible, though I did take a little 20 minute nap. Now I'm home mustering the strength to go to my last Quennect4. Listening to just splendid music and generally being in a good, if a bit stressed out, mood. Kids really aren't into eating meals. And what the hell is on tv? Ugh, M*A*S*H. Ah, good, Sex and the City. So because I was severely lacking any sort of caffeine, I had the audacity to mayyybe drink the last Pepsi in the Passero residence. Tony told me to try batting my eyelashes some more when I tell him that 'I didn't know it was the last one' and that you 'never take the King's last Pepsi.' Then he tried to stir up a pot of shit talking about anyone that Suzy and I know mutually. And while I was heading out the door he trained Sophia to say 'Wash your butt Margaret!', good advice Soph, I just might take it. ugh
I just spilled apple juice on myself.
Moving on!
I watched so many cartoons today. Beauty and The Beast and Cinderella were standouts because Gaston is SO obnoxious and some of the faces the Beast makes are inspired. Then I colored in a coloring book and make the drawing puke glitter glue. Pretty sweet. Oh here's a very cute video.
I just spilled apple juice on myself.
Moving on!
I watched so many cartoons today. Beauty and The Beast and Cinderella were standouts because Gaston is SO obnoxious and some of the faces the Beast makes are inspired. Then I colored in a coloring book and make the drawing puke glitter glue. Pretty sweet. Oh here's a very cute video.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Fire in my soul and vengeance on my mind.
I'm not gonna say WHO, but someone, SOME. ONE. in this family no less! Started a blog and failed to inform me! I had to learn of this from my subordinate. Worry not though, I shall recover from the ice cold stab of betrayal, but I fear it will leave a significant scar, in the shape of mule. Wait, Power Rangers are still popular? Those glasses do look pretty cool though. I wish I could provide a link but I'm beginning to think that commercial was a joke, made by children from the 90's who are trying to jumpstart a Power Rangers resurgence. Haha kids commercials are the worst these days. A pop tart commercial showing the pop tarts hanging out and TALKING to each other while they're being toasted, Sam Waterston needs to get on that shit and teach them some law and order. Oooh Georgia just found the shoes I'm gonna wear to the wedding. Alright well I've gotta go and lift little humans upside down and spin.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Proper Fuckin' Geezer
I am wearing a very short, very blue dress. I was gonna wear the black jean miniskirt but then Isabelle shoved this in my face and demanded, 'Wear this!'. I complied. I've got clothes and make up and 'No Reservations' on and now I just need to fuck with my hair a bit before we head to Rehab. I just really hope this dress doesn't ride up if I start dancing tonight, it wouldn't be the biggest tragedy as I'm wearing black tights, but nonetheless I don't want the WHOLE WORLD (the people in the bar) to see my black ass. Guuhhhh I need to learn how to do my hair, reeally annoying that I can't. Oh so last night we went to this dumb place called 'The Orphanage', it's like a co-op living community in a church that puts on art shows and the like. Their living room has a stage and lots of trees with Christmas lights wrapped around them, overall a very cozy feel but with really annoying people in it. They don't allow you to drink beer unless it's in a cup which got old very quickly and they let this really shitty beat poet set to music play for a full hour. So I came home and learned about Tauntauns, thank you Andrew. And uhhh yeah somehow the entire household managed to sleep till around 4pm. I lower my head in shame. Anyhoo here's some pictures from last night. Oh and I a dream Liz was pregnant and gave birth to a girl, we were all very, very excited. Then someone asked me about how to pay taxes and ran away down a slide.

Saturday, March 1, 2008
Hey Judas
Well, I was awoken about 3 hours after I fell asleep and asked if I wanted to join Liz and Kit at Toast, and seriously who is gonna turn that down? So I dragged my tired ass over there, had what will be my last meal there for quite some time, the most delicious Eggs Benedict, next to Dad's of course. Liz got the same and Kit got the French Toast Orgy, couldn't finish the rest of it so Liz and I attacked it, mouth style. I'm just gonna have to learn how to make French toast like that because my cod it is good. After that we went to BCBG and Liz got a dress! Yay! I then walked back home, read some more and couldn't help but fall asleep. I woke up again around 6:30, and now I'm trying to do dishes, but the fucking sink is motherfucking clogged and so it's pretty much impossible because SOME PEOPLE do not put food in the trash can where it belongs and so there is wet food floating around and I just can't navigate around that well enough to get any significant amount done, I'm gonna be doing little bursts of dishes every hour and ughhhhhhh. Anyways aside from that terrifying ongoing ordeal I just watched 'Lost' and now I'm switching back and forth between 'Die Hard' and 'Kill Bill', what a lovely selection the Saturday night line up for people who don't feel like interacting with others has provided for me. Yippie-kay-yay, motherfuckers.

Thursday, February 28, 2008
My Cynocephaly Was Lost But Now He's Found
I adore this, where was this when I was super geeky about mythology in 6th grade?
One of the MOST Useful Websites I've ever laid my little eyes on
Haha this website is awesome and full of useful tips. Check it out!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Babysittin' Blues
I'm going to Rehab tonight. For either free or cheap PBR. Right now we're watching 'Adventures in Babysitting', I love this movie so much. It just brings a smile to my face. So things feel pretty good right now, I'm excited to be putting together a plan to move back, Suzy is gonna be moving in so worrying about finding someone to take over my room is no longer stressing me out, and yeah I'm gonna be back in AZ soon. I need to shower soon because my hair looks worse than an oil spill. (I just realized I could've been really cheesy and titled the post 'they Tried to Make Me Go To Rehab, and I said Okay')
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Fish eggs in a tube.
Isabelle got some fish eggs in a tube yesterday. Josh and I are grossed out. We're watching a Swedish cooking show right now and it's very fun to watch, she's cooking outside and she's adorable. I'm so hungry. Liz and Kit's party last night was pretty awesome. I picked them up from downtown and I prepared the candles. They had an awesome spread of food, I was particularly fond of the baked brie and this roasted red pepper dip. Mmmm I think I dreamed about it. But I also dreamed that I was on a ship and for some reason I'd bought Nicole Richie a $7,000 camera for her birthday. It was weird. And then Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz showed up and I thought they were a cute couple. Oddly enough this is the second time in like a month that they've been in my dream and been really cool while I hung out with them. Last time was at a party/sale in a clothing store. There was some other things going on but I can't recall them. After Liz's I went and hung out with my friend Steve since he lives in Rogers Park as well. We watched a bit of The Matrix, Beetlejuice and then an entire Nova about apes. I completely forgot everything I learned about the difference, and that there IS a difference, between monkeys and apes. I feel idiotic now. The Oscars are on tonight! I just wish I had a pizza to go with it. Right now Ian and Josh are debating the merits of Grindhouse. Ooh there's steak on the tv. Alright that's it for now.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Throwback backthrow.
I'm watching 'My Girl' right now waiting for Suzy to come over. I love this movie very much and it totally makes me feel nostalgic about riding my bike around the neighborhood in France. It's so very cold outside and I just wanna stay warm and cozy inside until it passes, but I think I'd be in bed for a month. As much as I like sleeping I don't like it that much and after the first couple days I think of I would tire of it. Well the apartment is clean again after about a week of living in squalor, it amazes me how many dishes accumulate between three people, or maybe it just feels that way without a dishwasher. One thing I am definitely going to require in AZ is a dishwasher. Well nothing more to say here unfortunately, toodles.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Your pad or mine?
Oh, Alton Brown. He was making Pad Thai and now he's making sushi. Pad Thai requires an awful lot of effort. Especially since it isn't my favorite Thai dish. Isabelle's made biscuits. So thanks to the lovely windchill factor, tonight and into tomorrow morning it's gonna feel like 20-30 below zero. Yeesh. That's all I have to say to that and thank god my appointment isn't till the afternoon, I might murder someone or myself otherwise. I really ought to shower at some point but uggghhhh. I'm almost done with 'Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim', funny stuff. Trying to decide what to read next. I'm thinking 'American Psycho' since this weather has me feeling violent and crazy. Oh and Allison I'm drawing ever closer to the 200 post mark.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Who turned on the cold switch?
I want them arrested. I've been back in Chicago for less than a week but it feels like (exaggeration warning) a gabillion because it is so damn cold. Um Valentine's Day was Ian and the Astro Physicist and Sugarfoot's show and that was highly enjoyable, we got White Castle afterwards, oh so good. Then Friday I went over to Paul's to give him his painting and we had a couple beers and a pizza and watched a Blaxploitation movie called 'Darktown Strutters' which was about a chick motorcycle gang and uhh black people are disappearing and there's this Colonel Sanders villain character who is cloning black people. Hilarious needless to say, then we watched some Wonder Showzen and the Mighty Boosh, and our favorite parts from 'Fright Night'. Fun stuff. Then Saturday I made appointments and went to a party that Sugarfoot was playing at. Stood around and then went home. Slept pretty much all Sunday cause I wasn't feeling like being awake or alive (melodramatic). Ummm oh Suzy came over and we watched 'The Hudsucker Proxy', 'Bright Young Things', and 'Fellowship of the Ring'. I slept terribly so ugh. Then we drove downtown so Suzy could pick up some things and she got me some sunglasses. And then a turkey club panini from Corner Bakery mmmmmm and then a sweet cheese croissant and cookie afterwards. Came back and uhhh now I'm nibbling at a chocolate cake watching 'Sex and the City' wearing really nerdy glasses. I think I'll sleep better tonight, I'm really looking forward to just listening to some music and reading, especially since it's 8 degrees outside. I wish I had something more interesting to say other than recapping my weekend. I miss Arizona, I can't wait to come back. K, I got nothin else to say.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Woo pseudo internet fame!
So check it out, the picture of a bad parking job that I sent in was posted today, makes it extra special since it's on a "holiday".
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Game on.
So Allison is excited about almost getting to her hundredth post, so I wanna get to my two hundredth before her. Overly competitive in things that don't matter? Why yes I am. I'm watching 'Make Me A Supermodel' and I feel dirty since I've been watching reality shows all night. I didn't watch any in Arizona as per Mom's request. So I'm overdosing on them now. Isabelle make cupcake/muffins cuffins I call them. And they exploded out of their pockets and onto the side, covering the entire cupcake pan. They smell awesome though. I'm gonna have Suzy braid my hair again so I can have it wavy for VD-day. Speaking of which I'm totally buying myself a box of chocolates, after all they say you have to love yourself before anyone else can, so I'll be my own Valentine.
Just watched 'The Englishman Who Went Up A Hill and Came Down A Mountain' and Hugh Grant is just so good at bumbling around. Hurrah. Um I don't have much else to say other than fuck it's cold and fuck it's nice to be sleep in my bed again.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Possibility of big changes in my life, just have to wait and see how I feel about certain things, but I'm pretty sure about this. How much more vague can I be.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Of Puppy Bowls and Marriage Proposal
Sorry I haven't blogged the two of you that read this that I'm not currently staying with. Well, it's good to be home, it already feels like it's gonna be over too soon. So, well, Thursday night I got myself into a bit of a pickle. I went out to a bar with Nick Quint, my ex from a million years ago, and we were having fun and I was getting drunk since I wasn't driving and suddenly I'm writing out a prenuptial agreement with this guy whose name I couldn't remember at the time. Had courts been open or this was Vegas, I think I might be married right now, cause at the time it sounded like a hilariously splendid idea. Anyways aside from that madness, Puppy Bowl IV was on today! It was amazing. Youtube it! You won't be disappointed. I just painted my nails and uh I've discovered that no matter where you go there are douchebags. That's my profound thought of the week combined with useless information. But which is which?
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
This makes me really sad, Brad Renfro like last week and now Heath Ledger. I'm slightly expecting someone else just because things like this sometimes happen in 3's. I hope not this time. It's so weird to think of how quick and suddenly things can feel so different when someone you're aware of and admire dies. It's just so strange to me to be so upset over someone I didn't know personally being gone from the world. It scares me more to think about what it will be like when someone I know and love dies, gah sorry to be so morbid it's just on my mind right now. I loves you all.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
So I sat upon the children
Well as I'm sure I've told most of you I had lots of fun today watching the children known as Sophia and Niko. And uh wow, three hours later and I haven't written anything else. My mind feels both empty and overwhelmed these days, while I can't think of anything my brain is overrun with thoughts that keep me up for all hours and exhaust my entire body except for the part that lets me sleep. Anyways I'm gonna watch the last episode of Gossip Girl, then go to my room and read for cod knows how long. All I can say is thank goodness the temperature is supposed to climb to 37 this weekend. That is if I can get through the single digit weather and snow showers that overtake this week. xoxo Gossip Girl. (only Suzy will appreciate that zinger)
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
New Hair Upon My Head
What color will it be? What shape will it be?? Check back to find out. Actually the post of what it looks like will probably be up by the time anyone checks so uh, eff you for not checking my blog every hour.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Blistering warmth
Holy crap it's so nice outside. I just wish it would stay like this forever, but alas I see a return to cold weather happening soon. So I was walking around today in my lovely red small heel shoes and I was playing with my feet just now, because really what else do I do? And to my surprise and delight there were perfectly bubbly blisters on my feet ripe for poking with sharp objects to let loose upon the earth the clear liquid held within. So last night was I have to say, totally razor. Definitely the best time so far this year. Ian and Josh played a set wearing, and not wearing, wonderful things and Ian got all tarted up for the occasion. Steve, Suzy, Isabel and I couldn't do anything but laugh and smile a little, it was just a wonderful show. Then this other band played and they were quite nice too, and then Sugarfoot, featuring my friend Lee Jones and Dan Rico, played and they were fantastic as always. Afterwards Steve, Ian, Isabel, Suzy and I headed down the street to White Castle and I got my first taste of the acclaimed mini burger institution and I was not disappointed. We came back home Steve in tow and watched Hot Fuzz and all was merry in the Isabel/Margaret Home. This weather has just made for fantastic times and I'll be sad to see it go but I'm sure it'll be back but just not soon enough. Caution, slight nudity in the video. Sorry. But it's just Ian.

Thursday, January 3, 2008
Cheers and jeers
Hello first post in 2008, well as I'm sure I've told most of you my New Year's Eve was very fun and lasted till the wee hours of the morning. I looked very sparkly and was all smiles the whole night. Suzy, Steve and I went to Paul and Jake's space party which was fun, they covered their kitchen walls in aluminum foil and it looked awesome, and they had wonderful costumes. It was really great getting to spend my first New Year's with Suzy finally. It snowed all night and my feet were incredibly cold but I didn't care it was such a good new year's. The day after Suzy and I awoke after midday, way after midday, and we got up and then...the power went out, Happy Fucking New Year right? But I found it more funny and than frustrating, so I suggested while we waited for the power situation to be sorted out we go to a restaurant with lights and we had some delicious Chinese food, I got sesame beef which was just wonderful. So then yesterday Steve and I texted and whatnot and then he came over around midnight, drank some beers and watched Home Movies and we stayed up even later than New Year's and just chilled in bed all day and then he bought me late breakfast, I got an omelette with cheddar, bacon, and mushrooms and hash browns, really quite good. Steve got waffles with strawberries which made him look like he was wearing lipstick, which was pretty cute. So now Isabel and I are watching Sex and the City being lazy. My hair is tangled from all the teasing Suzy did for it on New Year's Eve. Must sort that out.
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