Friday, September 19, 2008

God's Farm

Allison, Andrew and I played Mad Libs (or Wacky Web Tales) for about an hour on Wednesday, I laughed reeeal hard. I accidentally spoke with a southern twang several times at work today, it was odd. And uggggh my next day off is Tuesday. They're working this dog too hard, I'm not a circus bear. I'm so tired, still. I'm always tired these days. I never feel like I get enough sleep. Andrew and I watched Nim's Island last night, which was actually pretty cute. Gonna watch Breakfast on Pluto tonight and we've been watching the first season of Curb Your Enthusiasm. I'm just woof I dunno not very happy, and I dunno. Andrew almost died. I'm being melodramatic, he could have died if his bacterial ear infection ruptured ear drum bleeding in head thing didn't get treatment. I miss you Suzy, I think I'm gonna fall asleep soon. Which means I have to leave Allisons, which sucks. Anyhoo, I'll blog again soon.


Suzy said...

"I'm not a circus bear," is one of the best things you've ever said.

OMG I had a dream last night, I was dating this guy whose brother turned out to be Tony Hale and I kept trying to sneak away to tell you that Tony Hale was sitting right next to me, but he kept trying to teach me how to paint and then all hell broke loose but anyway I just remembered that dream.

Suzy said...

(and you do kind of dance like a circus bear.)

theonemom said...

Oh, Mugsie!