Tuesday, January 20, 2009


So. I dunno. I felt like blogging. I think our president is pretty cool so far, I like his speech thing going on right now talking to the people in Afghanistan. I will have some new comics up soon. Especially since I just cleaned my car and found this one I'd forgotten about. Andrew and I just had some Pete's Fish and Chips for his birthday dinner. But I think he may need a cake.

1 comment:

Allison said...

Mmmm Pete....
and yes do post more (and draw more) cartoons! for as awesome as paris life is, i still miss arizona life. I actually had a dream that we were at bevmo and mom and dad said that we could pick out whatever and as much as we wanted, but bevmo has changed to mostly food products so it was really difficult to find the booze. anyway.
i wish i could've been there for andrew's birfday. is there going to be/was there a party? keep me updated!