Monday, November 30, 2009

I've got a bad feeling about this...

Suzy just got a webcam and so we'll probably never leave our computers. I made cinnamon sugar apple donut holes tonight, they were delicious. I guess I'm gonna make cannolis this week. Mmmm. What else? I dunno.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The fuckery just never ends

So I'm gonna scan a prison journal as soon as I get it all written out (writing on paper is hard ya'll) but it will be coming so brace yourselves for that. I can't believe how tired I am, I slept soooooooooooo well last night and then fell asleep for a little nap this afternoon. There's no food in this house which is so aggravating. Yawn, that's all for now.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fuck these people


Fuck that lady and the people who made those horrendous comments. If you don't like it don't go to these events.


I don't actually know any of these peoples' religions but their comments are so close-minded and hateful they seem like they sit at home all day watching PAX.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Woman of Science.

So I'm doing some highly academic internet research and on why lately 80% of what I consume lately is Cheez-Its and eggnog. I'm also trying to find out how quickly this will kill me. I don't think the eggnog is so bad since it contains milk and that means I might finally be getting a decent amount of calcium. Some might say all the sugar cancels out any health benefits I might be getting from it. But then I would smack them in the face with some truth, on a typical day I consume about 5 glasses of water and....4-8 glasses of soda. Let's say two of those servings of soda are with food and so those stay the same but for the past week I've replaced the other 2-6 servings with eggnog. So I was already drinking something incredibly high in sugar and I've replaced with something high in sugar but with calcium. I don't want to hear your arguments against this. Onward to Cheez-Its. What is it with these things? One internet user suggests that the reason they are so addictive is because they get stuck to your teeth and you want to eat more to help get the stuck "stuff" off only to create more "stuff". Good theory but it doesn't apply to me as I crave this shit when I don't have it. While complaining about how one box doesn't last long enough, Allison watched me feverishly shove a handful into my mouth and said 'Maybe if you ate them slower.' I scoffed at her, 'Like that's possible.' Anyways there's probably no actual addictive properties it's just one of my stupid food phases, like with the tomato soup. That was a dangerous one. I burnt my tongue a lot, I spilled it on myself, it was in my dreams, it was everywhere. So for now I guess Cheez-Its and eggnog are what I'll obsess over. Oh! At the store there is Pumpkin and Gingerbread Eggnog. I have a bad feeling about this.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Doch wir küssen als ob nichts Geschieht

I got sooo many jewel toned colored clothes. Mmm. There's this fun little shrug at h&m that I want to get, they have it in red and like a glittery gun metal. And there's that other gorgeous purple skirt and the cute jeans that they didn't have in my size. Today was exhausting. Got up at ten and went to the DMV and got shut down for a restricted permit because they didn't send me the information I needed on what I needed to do to get those privileges. Cause I'm a big girl I almost started crying so instead I made a fist and crumpled up the paper I had to fill out and lit a cigarette. Then we went shopping at h&m and oh my godddd it was so crowded, filled with old ugly leathery over tanned Scottsdale women. And the store is smaller than I'd like. And the underwear section is not nearly big enough. But its nice to have it. But they devote the entire upstairs to fucking kids clothes. I doubt that would've done that if they'd put it in Tempe. So then Allison and I were gonna ride bikes over the rummage sale but as soon as I got on I realized I couldn't even remember the last time I'd ridden a bike and the seat felt very high. Luckily Allison's tire was flattish so we didn't bike, and I didn't embarrass myself. I must learn how to ride a bike again. Anyways found lots of gems at the rummage sale, sadly none of the shoes were big enough for my ginormous feet. And well browsing this old lady was talking to me about she couldn't wear heels cause of her knee surgery and I love that I relate to old people because of this. We talked about how terrifying wearing heels is. Just give me my oatmeal and put me in a rest home already. I found some things for you Suzy! Don't get TOO excited I mean you might hate them for all I know, but when I saw them I was able to picture you wearing it/them. I'm gonna wait till I've accumulated more crap to send you to put together and send your care package. Maybe I'll be able to make something in PRISON. I wonder if I'm allowed a writing utensil so I document this amazing life experience I'm gonna have. Oh and speaking of, what if someone is giving prison tattoos? Should I get one? Jen and I were fantasizing awhile back about getting matching 'Tent City Represent' type tattoos. I don't want to work tomorrow. I'm so tired. I think I've written enough now to make you wonder why I wrote so much.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I have no life today.

I basically spent all day in bed with my laptop. So once I finally got out of bed I decided not to make the pumpkie french toast but eggnog french toast instead. And for extra decadence I coated one in chocolate frosted flakes. Mmm. I painted my nails yellow, but because there's a bit of shimmer it's not as yellow as I'd like. The search will continue. I'm going to attempt a blueberry pie tomorrow.

Don't talk to the mayonnaise he's trouble?

Fuck you holier than thou yoghurt. Thinking you're better than mayonnaise. Yes you can be tasty in the right situation but you will never replace mayonnaise. You are just jealous.

For those of you who can't tell I'm talking back to a tv commercial.


So going back and reading over the old posts has made me realize I have an odd way of speaking sometimes. I'm so tired. I've been falling asleep every like half an hour for half an hour with my laptop on top of me making it all hot when I wake up. See like that sentence, isn't there any way I could've condensed that? Whatever I don't wanna think about it, I have to put all my brain into my writing assignment from Dad. I have to fax my lawyer a letter stating what I want in a plea agreement. Can't I just scribble something like 'yo dawg try 2 get me no jale tyme plz', I think he would respect that. How much are tattoos guns? I think I could make a good living as a traveling unlicensed back alley tattoo artist. My slogan could be 'For those who dare...' I would make a killing. And then I would start killing people by poisoning the ink. They would be called The Ink Blot murders, police state to state would be baffled because the way I'll leave my victims will actually fit the profile of a MAN. And I'm a WOMAN! dun dun duuuun. It won't end well for me, obviously, it never does.

Time to write my mission statement.

One of these days I might just

So, I've been reading over past blawwwwggssss, like I do when I'm feeling nostalgic, and I really need to start having these proofread. There's just lots of silly little things like leaving out words and switching around of letters and the like. And I know it shouldn't bug me this much but IT DOES. I'm actually tempted to through all of them and edit them, unless I wrote them while drunk, then they shall be saved for posterity. So I feel like crap. PURE CRAP. So I called into work, they understand. Anyways, enough of the crap, since I can't sleep since I feel so overwhelmingly awful I will tell you (Suzy since I'm pretty sure no one but you and me read this) about last night. So I work like 10 hours cause Jen's dad isn't doing well and she had to leave and no one else could come in so Dave, who opened, also had to close. This means nothing to anyone but me, but as a note to future me, you CAN work for ten hours straight, it is possible. Anyways so I got home, got dressed and Allison and I went off to Phoenix to go see the Evangelicals. I had only listened to them in Allison's car but my gosh, they were BUH.NA.NAS. They put on a really great show. Aaand yeah, then we hung out with them afterward and we got "fan bracelets" which are purple! Uggggh I write entirely too much, I need to scan some comics today. And pick out an outfit for court. Oh hey its only a one hour time difference now for Wisconsin and Chicago. I need some music, or a movie about heroin addicts. Those movies always make me feel better. Oh no! The internet has is failing. And it's back. I'm really just rambling on now. Maybe I'll paint something today. Does my blanket smell like sulfur? Maybe just a bit? I need my mangy quilt back. This post should have ended like ten hours ago.