Tuesday, November 3, 2009


So going back and reading over the old posts has made me realize I have an odd way of speaking sometimes. I'm so tired. I've been falling asleep every like half an hour for half an hour with my laptop on top of me making it all hot when I wake up. See like that sentence, isn't there any way I could've condensed that? Whatever I don't wanna think about it, I have to put all my brain into my writing assignment from Dad. I have to fax my lawyer a letter stating what I want in a plea agreement. Can't I just scribble something like 'yo dawg try 2 get me no jale tyme plz', I think he would respect that. How much are tattoos guns? I think I could make a good living as a traveling unlicensed back alley tattoo artist. My slogan could be 'For those who dare...' I would make a killing. And then I would start killing people by poisoning the ink. They would be called The Ink Blot murders, police state to state would be baffled because the way I'll leave my victims will actually fit the profile of a MAN. And I'm a WOMAN! dun dun duuuun. It won't end well for me, obviously, it never does.

Time to write my mission statement.

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