Monday, May 26, 2008

Jon, this one's for you

I'm not necessarily dying without constant internet access. But it does keep me from keeping in contact with one of my favorite people on the planet, Jon, that's you. Everyone else I can call, or they can call me. Anyhoo, it's my fucking birthday. Or birfday. I'm watching 'Men in Black' chugging a beer sitting between Allison and Andrews, my two A's. I can smell my cake I can see my presents. And it's way too hot. I want a dog. I miss Zeke, especially today, it's just not a proper birthday without Zeke being Zeke. Stupid dog food commercials reminding me how much I miss him. Woof, I don't really care for this beer. I wish I had more to say, I wish I had pictures to post. But I don't. Anyways, I'll try to post more often.


Anonymous said...


theonemom said...

I miss him too!

Anonymous said...

I miss Zeke too. But just think, when you get to Chicago, you will most likely be greeted by little Odin, and maybe if you're lucky he'll poop and pee in on the floor and you can clean it up just like we did when Zeke was a puppy!

Suzy said...

you said "anyways," which is terrible grammar so now i'm worried.

weddiiiiiiing! shit, i need a dress. i miss you. i miss you. i miss you.