Sunday, July 29, 2007

In the Boom Boom Room

So, wow, I'm just so fucking happy. I had my audition yesterday to advance to level 2, and I was nervous because there are definitely a handful of people that the audition does not go well for, there were several people this round who had auditioned at least twice before. But I just got up there and did my thing as best I could and instead of torturing ourselves waiting around in the lobby for two hours sober, we, being my class, went next door to the bar. Round of shots and pitchers of beer. At noon. It was so much fun and at around 1pm some people from the other classes are trickling in to say hey and good jobs and all that. So we leave the patio area and go inside to have a dance party with people from the other classes. That was so much fun, all thanks to first 'Come Sail Away' during which I called up Sam and drunkenly serenaded him, which I think confused and frightened him. Then, this is the ultimate...'Thriller' came on. And we all did the dance. I've always wanted to be a part of a mass Thriller dance. It did not disappoint. So we all started getting tattoos because I found the sharpie that I was given a few nights ago. That was lots of fun. So then at some point word spread that 'the list' was up. So Ed, Annie and I nervously walk over joined by others. We get to the top of the stairs where the list is at and I am shaking, so I go and look, and under 'Sunday 12-3pm' I see 'Margaret Patera'.


So immediately go to hug everyone that got in and call Mummy! And after that we went back to the bar and did some more drinking. Then we decided to go back to Ed's cause I wanted to play video games. On the way back we stopped at a bar to say congrats to some others. Along with doing that we picked up more people who wanted to come drink and play video games at what we were now calling The Boom Boom Room for some reason. And there was this guy Zach who had cool glasses so, because I'm me, I took them and tried them on and he said that I looked better in them than he did and that they were clearly made for me, and that if he didn't need to see they would be mine. So Zach came back with us and I wore his glasses and play Tiger Woods golf and drank Pabst. And finally around 8 or so I went back home and pretty much went to bed. Now I'm just waiting on Suzy who was all 'Oh you're up already?' cause she told me to call when I got up and we would leave for Wisconsin. I wanna get there before 5 but I don't see that happening now. So looks like I'll have one full day in Wisconsin. Byee.

Friday, July 27, 2007

HAH! I knew it!

So I've always felt that Aquafina and Dasani taste like pure shit. The only redeeming factor they ever have going for them is they're usually very cold. But unless I have no other options I don't drink those two. So I come across this, ha ha ha fuck you Aquafina and screw you Dasani, you suck. Especially Dasani with their bullshit commercials of people wandering off in their mind to some tropical beach all because of drinking Dasani. Hah. That is all.

Anybody thirsty?

Oh my goodness. Right so, Wednesday night's show was really good. And as it was the last show all the teams did a big round of freeze tag together, so that was really fun. Then I went straight home and slept. Awoke yesterday with GREAT ANTICIPATION for the evening. So I got ready and headed off to Ed's. Ed's little brother Sean was there so I got to meet him. Had a beer, went downstairs for a smoke and to start the line through, then we went back upstairs and continued the line through. Had another beer, and then another to finish off the line through. Then we went to the theater and Annie, Rachel, and I headed off to the liquor store to pick up some beers for the show. When we got back to the theater Chris said we needed three empty beer hands so I raised my hand and he gave me a beer, good night so far. So then we ran the song and the tops and bottoms of the show. So then the show started and during my long break between scenes I added another empty beer can to the props. Then we did Lust and this time we did the beer chugging waterfall style, we didn't really designate who the first one to stop drinking would be, so we all just went for it and I almost finished the entire tall can. People started cheering for us. Awesome. Oh and this performance was videotaped, woo. And we finished up and it was all great. Then I had another beer.


Then it was party time, and we all got posters of the show on mat boards, so we could all sign each others like a yearbook. Because I was already very drunk my signings were basically illegible. Um we went to a bar afterwards but I had had more than my fill so I just had one beer and then headed home. I woke up with cramps, boohoo, and I need to come up with a character for tomorrow's audition. So I was at Wendy's and I ordered the Baconator. It is really delicious but I hate having to say 'Yeah uh I'd like the Baconator please', so to avoid this I order the combo number. They're shaming people into ordering fries and drinks by giving food increasingly ridiculous names. I'm not complaining because it seems like the more ridiculous name the better the food. Ah well, anyways that's my thought for the day.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Strange noises

So tonight is the last night of my improv troupe's six week run at the Playground. I only missed one and that was to take a little vacation up in Door County for the 4th of July. Tomorrow night is Sin and Tonic's closing night at Gorilla Tango. That has been so much fun and I wish it were going on longer. I think we're still doing Friday nights at the Pressure Cafe. Either way this is the last week of three shows, for now. There's this weird noises coming from either outside or from my air conditioner. I've walked up to the window, asked the air conditioner, 'Psst, is that you?' but no response, just the still very odd sound from an indiscernible location. So I'm tired. Which is totally silly cause it's not like I really did anything today. I'm stressed as well. And slightly depressively mopey because of stress. I've got my hair up in the laziest bun in the world and I'm looking at my hair and thinking oh wouldn't a little bob be cute? But then I recall what happens to my hair when short, unless someone is magically able to make it thicker and not limper than hell then it just looks mehhh. So the solution is a wig. Or hair extensions. Well I'm not sure that I have anything else of value to offer to the internet, so I'm gonna go lie down. Because I'm just. so. tired.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Piggy Salt

Well right now I just wanted to turn everyone's attention to this. I'll post something of more substance later.

Monday, July 23, 2007


So last upont finishing The Deathly Hallows I reached my hundredth post! Woo. I should have a cake or something, right? So wow, I just really wish the books weren't over, I wish it had been longer, I wish I hadn't blown through so quickly, I wish...I wish a lot of things! Hmmph. And I wish I were getting more sleep. NO TODD! I'M SO TIRED! I have to do some dishes. I need a robot.


It's done. Goodnight.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Deathy Hallows

So I started reading it yesterday evening after taking Allison to the airport. Then my reading time was interrupted about 300 pages in when I decided to go to a little party with Isabel. So boring boring boring, rave (people still acting like it's the 90s with their big pants and glow sticks, idiots), come home, sleep sleep, awake, ahhh broken car window, class, Nick and Amy's for dinner, fun times, back home, and five hours later I decided to take a little sugar break. I'm about 200 pages from the end, I don't want it to end. I admit a twinge of jealousy upon talking to Mom when I returned home and hearing she was only 30 pages from the end. I'M RIGHT BEHIND YOU! I actually enjoyed just reading 300 pages yesterday and taking a break and having some time to get excited to read it some more and figure out more things (I figured out things before the characters did, booya) but I think my inextinguishable lust to know what happens will overpower my tired eyes and the lovely idea of a saving a bit for tomorrow. We'll see. I'm almost done with my ice cream now.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

I am more me

So wow, I did three shows this week. Accomplished would be the word to describe how I feel, and tired. Wednesday night's improv show went really well, our coach said it was our most playful and fun show yet, so yay! And then I returned home and slept. Oh, also that day I helped out for Sin and Tonic by putting together the music cues and sound effects for them, go me. So I woke up before noon on Thursday and thought, hmm I have about 7 hours till I have to be at Ed's for pre-show line through, I'll go see Harry Potter. Oh that was glorious and exactly what I needed to do that day. Nothing like sitting alone in the back of a theater holding your legs as your eyes well up with tears. Yayy so that was happy. Then I came back home took a little cat nap and then had a shower and got all ready for the show and headed over to Ed's where I was promptly handed a beer without even having to ask, hurrah! So two beers later we're all walking to the theater getting pumped and all that. We run the tops and bottoms of scenes and run the song a couple times and before we know it, it was time to open the house. So we started and it all went by so quickly. All of a sudden we were finishing up the song with our fabulous jazz hands. Took our bows and went backstage to grab more beer and come back out to receive compliments. So. Much. Fun. So after the crowds died down and everything was cleaned up we picked up more beer, and on the way Morgan, a friend of Jake's, stopped me and said hey and I was oh cool weird hah well I'm gonna go drink now, so that was nice. And then we headed back to Ed's where for the next five hours we proceeded to get ridiculous and within two I was the only girl at this lovely little gathering. Cut to Friday and I've slept all day, so I get ready for that night's improv show at this place called the Pressure Cafe up way north where Sooze used to live. Ed came with because we thought we were only gonna have four people, so five seemed better. And then Annie and Sarah showed up last minute bringing George and Aaron (from my conservatory class) with them. So that was lots of fun. Then I drove home and did fuck all with the rest of my night. So today I woke up like noonish maybe and I've spent the day trying to figure out what to do tonight, think I might go to a party with Isabel, and listening to Peter, Bjorn and John. Good stuff. I think that's all for now.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Sin and Tonic!

Wooo! This Thursday!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Victory! We have victory!

Dad and I just won Trivial Pursuits booya, don't mess with us we'll shut you down!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Only if we're horizontal...

Haha so Allison and I are watching 'Not Another Teen Movie' on TV and there was this awesome commercial that came on. It was Gary Coleman for Cash Call, and he was shouting about how no one would lend him money, not even his relatives, it was great. Check it out here.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Drive faster

I am in Wisconsin with my dearest family. So Saturday I went over to Annie's to run lines and that was all well and good, and I was walking back and was like 'oh, duh, Paula's party is tonight' so I headed over there. So glad I did. She got a new kitten who she is thinking of naming Micah, he's a little white puff of love. So we started drinking and that was good. And one of her friends made this amazing guacamole and so I had guacamole on bread and that was deelish. So around midnight the party was winding down so we decided to go to a house party on the south side. But not before a little safety dancing in which I showed everyone what dancing was, and while doing so, declared 'This is dancing'. So we went down to the south side and it was five bucks a head to get in because they were raising money to get a lawyer for their friend so he wouldn't have to go jail. Hah. So we get inside and Paula and I immediately run for the bathroom and I traded a piece of gum with a girl for her first place in line, rock. So then I sucked down two beers and hit the dance floor with Paula and worked up quite a sweat. Then we went outside and had cigarettes, and I met a girl from Sweden named Isabel. How cool is that? We talked a lot and I'm excited to hang out with her again, especially since I never really meet potential friends at parties. So after about four more beers Paula and I hit the dance floor again. And the cycle went on for a couple hours. It started getting light out and so we left the party around six or so. Went and hung out at this kid Ryan's place, which was a sweet apartment. I just said sweet, ugh. Um then at some point I passed out and slept for about three hours. Upon waking I realized it wouldn't that great a day. I went home and then left to go downtown to meet up with Josh (Sam's friend/honorary Patera) at the hostel he was staying at. That was fun, just hung out in the room with all these film camp kids and all their computers with their editing skills hard at work. Then they played Jeopardy and that was funny to watch Josh struggle through trying to answer questions. So then I left to go to rehearsal and I was really feeling like shit. So for the first part of rehearsal I was a cunty diva bitch, we were singing and choreographing the song and I wasn't really feeling like singing since when I woke up I coughed up the phlegm equivalent of a rat. But I stopped acting a fool and just did it and stopped complaining. So then we ran the whole show and that went pretty darn well. So then afterwards Sean, Chris and I went out to Estelle's for a couple beers, and it was pathetic, we looked like zombies. Chris left early, so Sean and I stayed and finished our beers and made extremely tired conversation and then he walked me home. I fell into bed and decided to start watching 'How I Met Your Mother', pretty cute show I must say. I do have the urge to tell people to 'Suit up!' because something will be 'Legendary!'. You probably have no clue what I'm talking about. Anyhoo, I fell asleep and then woke up at like....10 and left around 10:45, and got up here around 4. Yay. Now I'm sitting on Liz and Kit's couch waiting for dinner. Mmmm.