Sunday, October 12, 2008

What's happenin?

That's what I realized I should have named the previous post. And Suzy for your information it's not that I don't like his movies, for the most part I do enjoy them very much, but seriously? Have you seen this one? And also I think the man himself is kind of a tool, but I could watch 'Signs' for days. Anyways, I hated today, it was officially idiot day when and ugggh there were so many. But onward, I'm watching a show about...nature. Penguins were being eaten but they also showed one getting away so that's good. There was some meatloaf and biscuits waiting for me when I got off so I ate that. Now there are scary noises! I watched 'Me Without You' last night and everyone is so pretty in it. I wanna go to the fair soon. Anyhoo. I don't have any clothes for cold weather, which is now is. So I'm gonna go try to still enjoy the cool weather without getting sad over the fact that I have nothing to wear and nothing to buy some new clothes with.


Suzy said...

pictures, please!

And I was talking about my roommates, not you, disliking the Shamalamaya!

And you can too afford to buy clothes, you just have to be crazy-thrifty about it and how cold it is going to get in the AZ anyway since you already wear jeans all the time?

theonemom said...

Yeah, how cold can it be? And what's with all your piles and heaps of clothes? I'm sure I could find somethin for you to wear...