Monday, June 25, 2007

These changes ain't changing me

So last night at rehearsal we ran the whole show, and surprisingly it went pretty well, as well as can be expected anyway. Then after Suzy, Annie, and I went to Estelle's where Chris and Sean met up with us later. I had beer and lots of it. Chris almost got in a fight which Sean and I didn't even notice because we were busy talking. I got home way late/way early depending what end you view it from. Made myself a sandwich put on 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas' and drifted off to sleep. Then I was awoken but the 'thump thump' of bass from the ceiling, the people above me play the worst music. Oh yawn, I can't think of anything else to write, which is all well and good since no one is currently this.

1 comment:

Allison said...

hey margaret, i'm stilling reading this. i'm gonna do a post right after this comment, so make sure to goto my blog