Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Clear Mayonnaise

I think clear mayonnaise would be fun, if not a little weird. It might be a problem if you're a person that doesn't like a lot of mayo and you're putting it on and you forget how much you've spread on thy sandwich, tricky. As for me, I want a pastry. And my forehead itches. I don't really have much to say at this point, I just wanted to update my blog to encourage updates from others. I want some hot caramel apple cider from Starbucks. Fuck you Starbucks for charming me with your delicious hot apple liquid. And your whipped cream is delicious! Damnit! I want it now! Latah!


Allison said...

You're weird. But I will blog...for you.

Anonymous said...

the emulsification of the eggs and oil make it white so it would be somewhat hard to make it clear, but great idea nonetheless

Anonymous said...

doesn't mayonaise turn clear when it gets heated on a sandwich?

theonemom said...

Ewwwh! Clear mayo would make it look more like snot of pus or something. No way