Monday, May 28, 2007

I'll stop the world and melt with you

If I were a chocolate bar. Alas, I am not made of chocolate, I fear if that were the case I would've eaten myself long ago. Hung out with Ed tonight and watched 'Star Wars Tech' and personally cannot wait for the day when I can wield my own lightsabre. Now I'm watching Unwrapped and it's all about burgers. I have these weird insect bite looking things on my arm, not sure what they are. If I'm dead by next week blame the bites! Hmm it feels like it should totally be later than it is. I've been getting crap sleep lately. Oh! So we had rehearsal on Sunday, and if the spirit of one of the scenes that we were rehearsing that day (and that I was totally off book for, booya) I brought out the PBR from my drunk and we proceeded to drink them. And all of a sudden it was 11pm and so most of us went back to Ed's to sit outside and continue drinking. And it got very party like very quickly, I think mainly thanks to Annie, me and all the beer. So I didn't get home till like 4:30am, bleh, and then couldn't fall asleep until 6 or 7, bullshit I say. We'll see if I fare better tonight, haven't even had a nap today so hopefully it'll go better. I'm disgusted with myself because...ugh..I recorded and am about to watch...the new.....Simple Life.

Don't look at me.

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