Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Prepare to enter... The Scary Door.

So I thought I would have something to say after a few hours but not much is to be said. Last night Suzy, Ed and I, and two of his friends, met up and had some drinks, which Ed bought for me, and then we went next door to iO to watch some COMEDY. Suzy bought us some beer, thank you Suzy. And then drunken laughter was had. Then sobering walk to the car during which I saw Piero, my improv group's coach, and so that was fun. Then I woke up late today. Oops. I did a shitload of dishes and then realised that I had rehearsal at four, so I rushed to that and thank goodness I remembered when I did because it was Piero's last day with us because next week he's going on a cruise for four months! I shall miss Piero, we've been with him since class started in....uhh October? Yeah I think October is when class started. Anywho our new coach is someone from one of his improv groups, who are funny, and we had him once before as a sub and he was lots of fun. So yay. Hmm, uh biggest news ever? Allison is gonna be here in less than 48 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so damn excited to see her. Or should I say I'm so excited to see you since you're one of my main readers. Hmm it's almost midnight and I got shit to do tomorrow, shit like cleaning and laundry and shit.

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