Sunday, April 5, 2009

Oh Odin

Well Odin is huge, I mean reeeeeal big. Also he is very very cute and very crazy. I got in yesterday and went to Suzy's for the night, we got delicious chinese food and watched True Blood, and I fell asleep very early in the night and tried to stay awake. Woke up around 9 and then Liz called and we decided to go to breakfast. First Suzy and I took Reggie, the adorable part labrador that resides in that residence, for a walk around the block. Liz and Kit pulled up at the end of the walk and got to meet Reggie. Reggie is very cute and very loving and just needs a bit of training and discipline. We went to Ann Sather's and got cinnamon rolls and eggs and potatoes and it was all so very tasty. Then we came and I finally got to see Odin and he is so damn big it surprised me. We took him for a walk in the bitter windy cold and he's very good on walks. So then we figured out dinner, spaghetti and meatballs, strawberry shortcake dessert and they went to the store. So I took a shower, finally, and during the shower Odin got into a pantry and let loose a bag of popcorn kernels and threw around some sprouting potatoes. Silly dog. Anyhoo now I'm just watching Kit play GTA on their humongous tv.

1 comment:

Allison said...

oh! i wish i could've been there! cute dogs and food! what more does one need...