Monday, April 27, 2009

Two bloody stumps!

Or actually just one. I was walking outside the mall today and I noticed this guy walking in front of me had this awesome shirt on with owls embroidered on the back, and also his left hand was wrapped in a wet bloody rag with blood dripping from it. When in front of Starbucks he asked some guy if he would go into Starbucks for him to get him a plastic bag and the guy said, 'Sorry dude I'm busy' (he was strolling leisurely) and so bloody hand man said 'FUCK YOU!' and I didn't hear the rest cause I was heading inside, I considered going back to go in and get him a plastic bag, but I don't think Starbucks has plastic bags and then I realized that none of the stores close by would. I hope he found one.

1 comment:

Suzy said...

that's really gross, Margaret. i love that you don't introduce the bloody hand until after you tell us about his cool owl shirt.