Sunday, July 29, 2007

In the Boom Boom Room

So, wow, I'm just so fucking happy. I had my audition yesterday to advance to level 2, and I was nervous because there are definitely a handful of people that the audition does not go well for, there were several people this round who had auditioned at least twice before. But I just got up there and did my thing as best I could and instead of torturing ourselves waiting around in the lobby for two hours sober, we, being my class, went next door to the bar. Round of shots and pitchers of beer. At noon. It was so much fun and at around 1pm some people from the other classes are trickling in to say hey and good jobs and all that. So we leave the patio area and go inside to have a dance party with people from the other classes. That was so much fun, all thanks to first 'Come Sail Away' during which I called up Sam and drunkenly serenaded him, which I think confused and frightened him. Then, this is the ultimate...'Thriller' came on. And we all did the dance. I've always wanted to be a part of a mass Thriller dance. It did not disappoint. So we all started getting tattoos because I found the sharpie that I was given a few nights ago. That was lots of fun. So then at some point word spread that 'the list' was up. So Ed, Annie and I nervously walk over joined by others. We get to the top of the stairs where the list is at and I am shaking, so I go and look, and under 'Sunday 12-3pm' I see 'Margaret Patera'.


So immediately go to hug everyone that got in and call Mummy! And after that we went back to the bar and did some more drinking. Then we decided to go back to Ed's cause I wanted to play video games. On the way back we stopped at a bar to say congrats to some others. Along with doing that we picked up more people who wanted to come drink and play video games at what we were now calling The Boom Boom Room for some reason. And there was this guy Zach who had cool glasses so, because I'm me, I took them and tried them on and he said that I looked better in them than he did and that they were clearly made for me, and that if he didn't need to see they would be mine. So Zach came back with us and I wore his glasses and play Tiger Woods golf and drank Pabst. And finally around 8 or so I went back home and pretty much went to bed. Now I'm just waiting on Suzy who was all 'Oh you're up already?' cause she told me to call when I got up and we would leave for Wisconsin. I wanna get there before 5 but I don't see that happening now. So looks like I'll have one full day in Wisconsin. Byee.

1 comment:

Allison said...

New post! New post!