Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Call me old fashioned but...

...I've been drinking lots of water. I think I might have dehydrated myself from alcoholic consumption over the past week. So I'm taking a little break. I miss home a lot. And ow I just hit my toof on my tongue ring. TBS had a Pierce Brosnan minithon tonight, they played 'After the Sunset' and then 'Laws of Attraction', the latter is finishing up just now. Ooooh will they end up together??? WILL THEY???? I think they just might. Yawn. But he's yummy. Ugh, I just used a food adjective to describe a man. The big twist? When they thought they got married, they really didn't, the man wasn't a real priest so it wasn't legal or anything. And also, to make a marriage truly legal don't you have to obtain a marriage license from city hall, just becuase some dude in a dress says 'man and wife' doesn't make legally binding. Suzy came over tonight and complained that my blog is boring. Why? Why? Why exactly? Be more constructive with your feedback, please. She asked me to write more about my opinions, like my strong anti-crockpot views. Fuck crockpots. I cannot fully express my opposing views on them right now as it is either very late at night or very early in the morning, depending on which type of person you are, me? I'm both. In a way. And if you say otherwise, well just look at the name of my blog.


theonemom said...

The only thing I find boring is when you list all the alcohol that you consume!

Anonymous said...

i too have a very strong dislike towards crockpots, there's just something about them that makes me angry.

Allison said...


Anonymous said...

I like the alchohol lists, I just wished you would drink cooler things (not tmeperature). I also am not a big fan of the crockpot, it's just another kitchen gadget that you don't need, especially since the dawn of the microwave.