Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Connect Four

So I just updated myself on my shows, Pushing Daisies was on tonight as well as Dirty Sexy Money, and I watched a Heroes episode in between then I watched 30 Rock and The Office and then another Heroes episode. Good now I feel updated and like I can move through the week more efficiently. On a heavier note, I didn't work out tonight because it was raining quite heavily and I didn't feel like driving through such heavy rain or walk through it, sorry Mom, I'll be doing lots of heavy lifting and heavy drinking/partying/dancing? tomorrow. Why you ask? Because it is Quennect4's anniversary party, or at least that's what I think it is. Anyways every other Thursday we go to this art gallery open mic thing where they have dollar beer and fun stuff and it's called Quennect4 and this Thursday (aka Taday) they're having it at Subterranean, a hip night club that I have been to and blogged about once before. The kicker is that because it's in a such a more "upscale" venue they've tacked on an $8 admission fee as opposed to the usual $3 or 3 canned foods deal they have at their gallery. Sliiightly pisses me off and I kinda don't wanna go just cause of that, but I know I will go because hey, it's a party. Oooh Airplane! is on right now. Nice.

1 comment:

theonemom said...

Hmmmm...heavy drinking you say? I guess you did seeing as how you couldn't remember calling Allison. And just how did you sprain your ankle? thank goodness for Elizabeth taking you in for the weekend and being your nurse Nancy. Now about that drinking....