Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I reads and writes reals wells.

So I finally started reading the Golden Compass and I'm really enjoying it so far. I read the first 30 pages or so last night before I went to sleep and had dreams about it, but I can't remember exactly what happened. Then I woke up this morning and before emerging from bed I read for about an hour and that's when I really got into it. So hooray for reading again, and not a book I've read before. I went down to Half & Half, the coffee shop that my friend Ashley works at, and hung out there for a couple hours talking with people and sippin on a vanilla almond steamer and a caesar chicken wrap, that was pretty good. And now I'm back and quite tired for some reason. I might go read some more in a bit. Oh last night Isabel and I watched this awful movie called 'Pumpkinhead' about back country folk and city folk who come to hang out at a cabin and kill this guy's kid in a motorcycle accident so the father gets pissed and summons this demon known as Pumpkinhead to take revenge on the city folk, blah blah blah he feels remorseful and ends up saving the day.


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy you started reading the book!!! Now you me and kit can get super excited for the movie and go see it when it opens!

Suzy said...

Pumpkinhead terrified me as a child.

So did Trolls, though. Meh.

Allison said...

oh man, I want to read that book too now, so that we can all be excited to see the movie

theonemom said...

Well, i've already read it so there (course you would expect that from me). I am thrilled you are reading a new book Margaret. It's been awhile. Much better use of your time than sitting in front of you know what. But just how can one sip on a caesar chicken wrap? (I know I'm asking for trouble correcting your grammar.) I don't think I'd like that movie at all.