Wednesday, February 20, 2008

What does persimmon taste like?



Anonymous said...

I think it is supposed to be kinda sour, but i'm not completely sure, i've always wondered that myself.

Anonymous said...

tastes like sunshine and mango

theonemom said...'s not very good, kinda bitter or sour or something. Anyway, Grandma Focht had a persimmon tree in her front yard, which, by the way, had no grass, was just all flowers and bushes, lots of roses. Anyway, it was a very pretty tree, especially when the persimmons were ripe. I don't think she did anything with them tho but did admire the tree.

Anonymous said...

Ripe persimmons have a soft, peachy texture and taste like mango and apricot. The taste is good and strong and very fragrant (like mango) but not exotic or unexpected.

Anonymous said...

Tastes like cum