Monday, February 18, 2008

Who turned on the cold switch?

I want them arrested. I've been back in Chicago for less than a week but it feels like (exaggeration warning) a gabillion because it is so damn cold. Um Valentine's Day was Ian and the Astro Physicist and Sugarfoot's show and that was highly enjoyable, we got White Castle afterwards, oh so good. Then Friday I went over to Paul's to give him his painting and we had a couple beers and a pizza and watched a Blaxploitation movie called 'Darktown Strutters' which was about a chick motorcycle gang and uhh black people are disappearing and there's this Colonel Sanders villain character who is cloning black people. Hilarious needless to say, then we watched some Wonder Showzen and the Mighty Boosh, and our favorite parts from 'Fright Night'. Fun stuff. Then Saturday I made appointments and went to a party that Sugarfoot was playing at. Stood around and then went home. Slept pretty much all Sunday cause I wasn't feeling like being awake or alive (melodramatic). Ummm oh Suzy came over and we watched 'The Hudsucker Proxy', 'Bright Young Things', and 'Fellowship of the Ring'. I slept terribly so ugh. Then we drove downtown so Suzy could pick up some things and she got me some sunglasses. And then a turkey club panini from Corner Bakery mmmmmm and then a sweet cheese croissant and cookie afterwards. Came back and uhhh now I'm nibbling at a chocolate cake watching 'Sex and the City' wearing really nerdy glasses. I think I'll sleep better tonight, I'm really looking forward to just listening to some music and reading, especially since it's 8 degrees outside. I wish I had something more interesting to say other than recapping my weekend. I miss Arizona, I can't wait to come back. K, I got nothin else to say.

1 comment:

Suzy said...

I had chocolate (mousse) cake as well last night. With my yummy pizza. Couldn't stop eating. There's even a donut hanging out of my mouth as I type this.
