Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Your pad or mine?

Oh, Alton Brown. He was making Pad Thai and now he's making sushi. Pad Thai requires an awful lot of effort. Especially since it isn't my favorite Thai dish. Isabelle's made biscuits. So thanks to the lovely windchill factor, tonight and into tomorrow morning it's gonna feel like 20-30 below zero. Yeesh. That's all I have to say to that and thank god my appointment isn't till the afternoon, I might murder someone or myself otherwise. I really ought to shower at some point but uggghhhh. I'm almost done with 'Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim', funny stuff. Trying to decide what to read next. I'm thinking 'American Psycho' since this weather has me feeling violent and crazy. Oh and Allison I'm drawing ever closer to the 200 post mark.

1 comment:

theonemom said...

Didn't I get you a book to read?