Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Fire in my soul and vengeance on my mind.

I'm not gonna say WHO, but someone, SOME. ONE. in this family no less! Started a blog and failed to inform me! I had to learn of this from my subordinate. Worry not though, I shall recover from the ice cold stab of betrayal, but I fear it will leave a significant scar, in the shape of mule. Wait, Power Rangers are still popular? Those glasses do look pretty cool though. I wish I could provide a link but I'm beginning to think that commercial was a joke, made by children from the 90's who are trying to jumpstart a Power Rangers resurgence. Haha kids commercials are the worst these days. A pop tart commercial showing the pop tarts hanging out and TALKING to each other while they're being toasted, Sam Waterston needs to get on that shit and teach them some law and order. Oooh Georgia just found the shoes I'm gonna wear to the wedding. Alright well I've gotta go and lift little humans upside down and spin.


Allison said...

" I fear it will leave a significant scar, in the shape of mule. Wait, Power Rangers are still popular? "

I don't think I need to say anything.

theonemom said...

It's all about the shoes