Saturday, March 8, 2008

This Volcano Is Deep

I'm watching 'Volcano', and two really cheesy awful moments stuck out. Tommy Lee Jones' daughter is playing rock, paper, scissor with these kids and this dumb kid says I'm lava! What beats lava?' and Gaby Hoffman, looks down grimly, and says, 'My dad. I hope...'

Wow what a moment. Next up, it's the end of the movie and everyone is covered in ash from the volcano climaxing and whatnot, and the same boy who foolishly proclaimed himself lava, so poetically points out to an adult who was obviously too jaded to notice that 'all the people...they look the same, we're all the same.' And it shows everyone looking like they're in blackface. I think the message is no matter what color your skin is, we're all a little bit racist. Ooh...'Troy' is on.

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