Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Review: Bleu Cheese

This one is from a couple nights ago, Ian and Isabelle went out to dinner and brought home lots of food. Among the things I tasted was a bleu cheese, which I normally would turn down but I figured why not? Jon and I tasted it at the same time and both had the same reaction. We liked it...sort of. The taste was the most intense thing I've ever had in my mouth. We were so dumbfounded by the power of this cheese's power we felt like we were high on the cheese. The taste lingered for about an hour and a half. While I'm not gonna jump out my window to go try more bleu cheese, I wouldn't turn it down.


theonemom said...

Ewww! But then you know how I feel about most cheese. I can think of other things I'd rather get high on.

Suzy said...

like doobies, huh ellen?!

and no, i'm not going to try it.